# 싱글톤에 대한 오해
Prerequisite : 본 글에서 언급되지만, 직접적인 설명은 하지 않는 것들입니다. 객체 싱글톤 정적 팩토리 메서드 패턴 DI/IoC 최근에 프론트엔드 개발자 지인과 함께 커피챗을 했는데, "객체"와 "싱글톤" 에 관련된 주제로 이야기를 잠깐 나눴다. 정확히는 내가
在尝试对其他遥感图像地物类型变化时(如植被、水体等)进行文本生成时,图像中若没有道路和建筑,则结果为the scene is the same as before
### Description
The appearence of Zettlr on Fedora looks completey different from Windows.
The buttons h…
after I migrated the website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5 https://frauenprojekt-kenia.de/ with J2store 4.0.5 there were the following problems:
J2Store Dashboard does not show sales statistics.…
I made this to help you guys pass the coding assessment for a US based company.
## 复现步骤
## 预期行为
In [`c861905`](https://github.com/Mixtery/mixtery.github.io/commit/c86190571e6a5fbf321a944472432d6b9f8d8a0a
), Mailserver (https://outlook.office.com) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 417
- Response time: 1…
With debug on, the obfuscation is not applied to allow inspection of the manifest. An error is thrown when both debug and an obfuscation password are given.