jceb / vim-orgmode

Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs' Org-Mode
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Issue with TODO items and automatic updating of [%] and [/] in header. #172

Closed theboocock closed 8 years ago

theboocock commented 9 years ago

HI All,

I am having trouble reproducing the percentages and number of finished tasks as shows here in the example file, My file looks like.

organize part [%]
** TODO call peoplee [/]
** TODO BY food
** DONE TALK to nei


If I run c# both the [%] and [/] are not updated to the expected values.

Does anyone have any advice.

The relevant section of the org guide file follows.

Breaking tasks down into subtasks~

It is often advisable to break down large tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. You can do this by creating an outline tree below a TODO item, with detailed subtasks on the tree. To keep the overview over the fraction of subtasks that are already completed, insert either ‘[/]’ or ‘[%]’ anywhere in the headline. These cookies will be updated each time the TODO status of a child changes, or when pressing C-c C-c on the cookie. For example:

* Organize Party [33%]
** TODO Call people [1/2]
*** TODO Peter
*** DONE Sarah
** TODO Buy food
** DONE Talk to neighbor


c# Update the checkboxes status of current heading. It also update the heading status too.
powentan commented 9 years ago

Hi smilefreak,

For current implementation, vim-orgmode only checkes for checkbox status. Need to fix this by updating heading status (TODO, DONE).

theboocock commented 9 years ago

I imagine the logic will be similar in form to that for checkboxes, maybe I will have a go at implementing it at some point. Definitely a feature I would like to see.

Ron89 commented 8 years ago

It appears that this issue is already solved. Appending [%] or [/] after the heading or checkbox/plainlist with checkbox children will do. The function is also documented in orgguide.txt. Closing the issue.

BigPeet commented 8 years ago

How is this issue closed? It still doesn't work as it is currently documented. It only checks direct children with a check boxes, but it completely ignores TODO or DONE. This example taken from the documentation does NOT work:

* Organize Party [33%] ** TODO Call people [1/2] *** TODO Peter *** DONE Sarah ** TODO Buy food ** DONE Talk to neighbor

It won't update the % of "Organize Party" and it won't update the / of Call People unless you replace every TODO and DONE with check boxes.

I don't want to be rude or something, but I would love this to work and it just doesn't.