jceb / vim-orgmode

Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs' Org-Mode
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Universal Text Linking (utl.vim) #353

Closed suliveevil closed 2 years ago

suliveevil commented 4 years ago

I forked Universal Text Linking


If you prefer Git , this will help.

mcepl commented 4 years ago

I just wanted to ask … is UTL really necessary? I have just set g:netrw_browsex_viewer to my preferred URL handler (actually, in my case, it is the Lua script which preprocesses URL and then runs xdg-open on the result), and it seems to work quite well.

Wouldn’t it be possible to at least make netrw (which is by default bundled with all vim/neovims) optional handler and not make UTL hard dependency of orgmode?

suliveevil commented 4 years ago

utl is made to jump between files, like URL is to jump between webpages.