jceb / vim-orgmode

Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs' Org-Mode
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Error on <TAB> #363

Closed arozehnal closed 3 years ago

arozehnal commented 3 years ago

I'm using vim 8.2 on Win 10. I already knew about the issue https://github.com/jceb/vim-orgmode/issues/176 before installing org-mode.

I prepared minimalist .vimrc: set nocompatible filetype plugin indent on
call plug#begin('~/vimfiles/plugged') Plug 'tpope/vim-speeddating' Plug 'mattn/calendar-vim' let g:calendar_mruler = 'Led,Úno,Bre,Dub,Kve,Cer,Crc,Srp,Zár,Ríj,Lis,Pro' let g:calendar_wruler = 'Ne Po Út St Ct Pá So'

Plug 'jceb/vim-orgmode'
call plug#end()

but I still have a problem with using as issue 176.


+acl +eval +multi_lang -tag_any_white +arabic +ex_extra +mzscheme/dyn +tcl/dyn +autocmd +extra_search +netbeans_intg -termguicolors +autochdir -farsi +num64 +terminal +autoservername +file_in_path +ole -termresponse +balloon_eval +find_in_path +packages +textobjects -balloon_eval_term +float +path_extra +textprop +browse +folding +perl/dyn -tgetent ++builtin_terms -footer +persistent_undo +timers +byte_offset +gettext/dyn +popupwin +title +channel -hangul_input -postscript +toolbar +cindent +iconv/dyn +printer +user_commands +clientserver +insert_expand +profile +vartabs +clipboard +job +python/dyn +vertsplit +cmdline_compl +jumplist +python3/dyn +virtualedit +cmdline_hist +keymap +quickfix +visual +cmdline_info +lambda +reltime +visualextra +comments +langmap +rightleft +viminfo +conceal +libcall +ruby/dyn +vreplace +cryptv +linebreak +scrollbind -vtp +cscope +lispindent +signs +wildignore +cursorbind +listcmds +smartindent +wildmenu +cursorshape +localmap +sound +windows +dialog_con_gui +lua/dyn +spell +writebackup +diff +menu +startuptime -xfontset +digraphs +mksession +statusline -xim +directx +modify_fname -sun_workshop +xpm_w32 -dnd +mouse +syntax -xterm_save -ebcdic +mouseshape +tag_binary +emacs_tags +multi_byte_ime/dyn -tag_old_static systémový vimrc soubor: "$VIM\vimrc" uživatelský vimrc soubor: "$HOME_vimrc" druhý uživatelský vimrc soubor: "$HOME\vimfiles\vimrc" třetí uživatelský vimrc soubor: "$VIM_vimrc" uživatelský exrc soubor: "$HOME_exrc" druhý uživatelský exrc soubor: "$VIM_exrc" systémový gvimrc soubor: "$VIM\gvimrc" uživatelský gvimrc soubor: "$HOME_gvimrc" druhý uživatelský gvimrc soubor: "$HOME\vimfiles\gvimrc" třetí uživatelský gvimrc soubor: "$VIM_gvimrc" defaults file: "$VIMRUNTIME\defaults.vim" systémový soubor s menu: "$VIMRUNTIME\menu.vim" Překlad: cl -c /W3 /nologo -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_PATHDEF -DWIN32 -DFEATCSCOPE -DFEAT TERMINAL -DFEAT_SOUND -DFEAT_NETBEANS_INTG -DFEAT_JOB_CHANNEL -DFEAT_XPM_W32 -DWI NVER=0x0501 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 /MP -DHAVE_STDINT_H /Ox /GL -DNDEBUG /arch:IA32 /Zl /MT -DFEAT_OLE -DFEAT_MBYTE_IME -DDYNAMIC_IME -DFEAT_GUI_MSWIN -DFEAT_DIRECTX -DDYNA MIC_DIRECTX -DFEAT_DIRECTX_COLOR_EMOJI -DDYNAMIC_ICONV -DDYNAMIC_GETTEXT -DFEAT_TCL - DDYNAMIC_TCL -DDYNAMIC_TCL_DLL=\"tcl86t.dll\" -DDYNAMIC_TCL_VER=\"8.6\" -DFEAT_LUA -D DYNAMIC_LUA -DDYNAMIC_LUA_DLL=\"lua53.dll\" -DFEAT_PYTHON -DDYNAMICPYTHON -DDYNAMIC `

:python import sys; print(sys.version) 2.7.14 (v2.7.14:84471935ed, Sep 16 2017, 20:19:30) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

Anny suggestion?

arozehnal commented 3 years ago

I made this attempt ... I have WSL running in Win10, so, I installed into it vim and this plugins: calendar-vim vim-solarized8 vim-speeddating

and I don't have a problem with . org-mode works.

Then I noticed that in the listing 'map' from gvim Win build all mapping for org-mode is missing. There is only mapping for: calendar-vim vim-speeddating

I can't explain this because PlugStatus shows that org-mode is installed. :-(

arozehnal commented 3 years ago

I tried another combination of gVim and Python on Windows and finally orgmode working for me. The problem was in incompatible versions of gVim and Python, respectively, concurrent installation of Python v.2 and v.3.