jceb / vim-orgmode

Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs' Org-Mode
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Allow to change the tw #364

Open hadronized opened 3 years ago

hadronized commented 3 years ago

For whatever reason, my current textwidth is set to 77 in org filetypes. I tried to use an autocommand to give it a higher value, but this is not respected.

au FileType org setlocal tw=120

Any idea? Thanks in advance.

skbolton commented 3 years ago

It’s set in the plugin here. If you configure your own tw in /after/ftplugin/org.vim you can override.

joostsijm commented 2 years ago

Overwrite the textwidth set by vim-orgmode by setting the following global variable. let g:org_tag_column=120