jcelaya / hdrmerge

HDR exposure merging
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AppImage release assertion failed #160

Closed derMart closed 5 years ago

derMart commented 5 years ago

Using the Appimage release (https://github.com/jcelaya/hdrmerge/releases/download/nightly/hdrmerge-git-20180705.glibc2.14-x86_64.AppImage) I get the following error:

hdrmerge.bin: basicio.cpp:542: virtual long int Exiv2::FileIo::write(Exiv2::BasicIo&): Zusicherung »p_->fp_ != 0« nicht erfüllt.
/tmp/.mount_QPAvFc/AppRun: Zeile 119:  4352 Abgebrochen             (Speicherabzug geschrieben) bin/hdrmerge.bin "$@"
derMart commented 5 years ago

This only happens, if I specify a relative path at the -o switch. So this is related to https://github.com/jcelaya/hdrmerge/issues/159

derMart commented 5 years ago

as the -o switch is working with #159 fixed, I am closing this too