jcfr / MorphoCloudPortal

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Instance: MorphoCloud usage for fish morphometrics #42

Closed muratmaga closed 1 week ago

muratmaga commented 1 week ago

Cloud Computing Instance Flavor

m3.xl - General-purpose instance (32 CPUs, 125 GB RAM, no GPU)


I have XYZ scans of catfishes, I want to do morphometrics.





github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Instance Name


_The instance name is derived from the GitHub issue number using the template morpho-cloud-portal_instance-NNN. The instance may also be located in the exosphere interface using this name._

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Supported Issue Commands

The commands described below may be added as issue comments. Only one command may be entered per comment.

Command Description Who
/shelve Shelve the instance. Issue creator, Admin
/unshelve Unshelve the instance. Issue creator, Admin
/create Create the instance. Admin
/delete Delete the instance. Admin
/email Send email with connection URL Admin
muratmaga commented 1 week ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Instance Creation Progress ✅

Create IP Create Instance Associate IP Setup Instance Retrieve Connection URL Send Email

See details at https://github.com/jcfr/MorphoCloudPortal/actions/runs/9667820271

muratmaga commented 1 week ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Command Results ✅

shelve command successfully applied to morpho-cloud-portal_instance-42 instance.

muratmaga commented 1 week ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Command Results ✅

delete command successfully applied to morpho-cloud-portal_instance-42 instance.