jcgoette / baby_buddy_homeassistant

This custom integration provides sensors for Baby Buddy API endpoints.
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Error: last_feeding sensor and add_feeding method are not working #74

Closed MiguelCosta closed 1 year ago

MiguelCosta commented 1 year ago


I am trying to use this HA integration.


But I think the feeding area is not working.

last_feeding sensor is always Unknown and add_feeding method is not working too:


The error is:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.service
Source: helpers/service.py:635
First occurred: 14:29:38 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:29:49

Unable to find referenced entities sensor.baby_gaspar_costa or it is/they are currently not available

but the add_diaper_change is working:


Can you help? Why add_feeding method is failing but add_diaper_change is working?

jcgoette commented 1 year ago

last_feeding returns volume from last feed. If null, would be Unknown.

You should use the switch.*_timer entity as target. A quick search gives these as working examples:

MiguelCosta commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jcgoette

It's working now :-)

Emu05 commented 1 year ago

Maybe Explain this more clearly in the Main Instuctions took me half of a day to fugure it out untill i fount the closed section now .....

jcgoette commented 1 year ago

Which part?

Also, pull requests are welcome.

Emu05 commented 1 year ago

Which part?

Also, pull requests are welcome.

Maybe More Examples I tryed to implement the bottle scale Project and most of the code changed ( the automation Part) the add fedding changed at some point also maybe some basic Automation example code for the more complex things ( add feeding add tummy time and sleep and maybe timer )

I its not my first implentation of addons also using HA for a long time now but this was hard to get it to this point i have now since there are not that many tutorials and projects around it and also not much sample code to figure it out.

No critique its a nice addon othervices i would not have taken on time to get it working :) so it would be nice to have more example of code for eg and also code thats working with the latets releases of BB and HA