jcgoette / baby_buddy_homeassistant

This custom integration provides sensors for Baby Buddy API endpoints.
MIT License
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add support: get old data (weight etc) #92

Closed jetijeti closed 1 year ago

jetijeti commented 1 year ago

would it be possible to grab the old weight/size/temperature data from the baby buddy instance. right now only the data trasmitted by homeassistant is shown.

jcgoette commented 1 year ago

It would be possible. Related to this update to BB API.

What would the use-case in HA be? I'm wondering if this might be related to https://github.com/jcgoette/baby_buddy_homeassistant/issues/57 also.

I'm open to PRs.

jetijeti commented 1 year ago

The Usecase would be to integrate data of measurements of an already existing BB instance into HA (as I had). I exportet and imported everything into the new BB provided by your integration, so the data is available in the new BB but not HA.

My suggestion sounds very similar to #57. After reading #57 i guess the biggest challenge is getting the data into HA as the sensor: "sensor.baby_last_xxx (weight, feeding, etc)" only has the Information of the last weight, feeding etc. :-(

I already tried to modify my sqlite database but bricked my db several times doing so.

jcgoette commented 1 year ago

It sounds like you might be confusing this integration with the addon.

Either way, a sensor could be created to return data other than the latest, but that doesn't seem to be the end result you want.

jetijeti commented 1 year ago

I guess you are somewhat right with me confusing the addon and integration. I will link this issue there and start a new "feature request " Thanks

jcgoette commented 1 year ago

I don't think that's the answer. The addon shouldn't be much different from BB itself.

jetijeti commented 1 year ago

So Integration and addon would need to be adapted to make this possible?