jcgoette / baby_buddy_homeassistant

This custom integration provides sensors for Baby Buddy API endpoints.
MIT License
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Sensors Not Polling Without Service Call #93

Closed tango2590 closed 1 year ago

tango2590 commented 1 year ago

I've noticed that sensors won't poll data unless that respective service is called. When data is added via the HA frontend by calling a specific service (such as add_feeding), the sensor is polled and data is updated. However, data added directly into BabyBuddy via the add-on is not reflected in the sensor until that respective service is called to POST the data. Is it possible to add a poll service to just GET all data from the BabyBuddy add-on as needed?

jcgoette commented 1 year ago

That should not be true. You may need to configure the integration differently:
