jchan555s / COMP-1950-Final-Project-Unity1

Final Project
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extra ideas to to put in rationale and maybe add at the end. #2

Open jchan555s opened 10 years ago

jchan555s commented 10 years ago

I hope you have an idea of what features are required and what are optional/extra. We don't need to implement anything that is not required. However, if you have extra ideas/functionality that we could simply add as a dummy menu item and to the rationale, let's discuss. We are suppose to think outside the box and come up with improvements that are practical. So add your comments below

jchan555s commented 10 years ago

Here are some of my ideas. Let me know which ones you like. 1) We could have a CMS to deliver the latest news regarding the course. It is what the teacher normally sends out in emails. The benefit of having it in CMS is that all related message are in one location as opposed to being intermixed with other emails from other classes/people. 2) Make learning interactive by the teacher posting surveys/questions during each lecture. Students can reply to the surveys/questions in a widget/plugin that is hosted on the 1950 website. 3) Search for keyword/text would be a really powerful feature. It would scan the entire site for all occurrences of specific word or phrase. Maybe we can filter the search to just the lecture pages. 4)Login, somewhere in the top right to prevent unauthorized access to page.

SeanJStudio commented 10 years ago

I like your ideas Jason, here are some thoughts reflecting on what you contributed:

1) CMS - I like this idea, As it may be time consuming to actually mock up a cms interface we could add messages, news etc icons in the top right and explain in the rationale that these features are controlled by the teacher through cms and sent to students.

2) This is an interesting idea and I'm open to it but personally it wouldn't enhance my experience as a student. I think a page for students to share their work or questions to be critiqued or answered by other students would be very beneficial as I think it would create an atmosphere that drives students to become closer and work as a team. (I'm thinking sort of like an open blog or a Facebook group)

3) I like the search idea, this could easily be implemented into the header as a dummy item.

4) I agree with the login, my mock was meant to actually suggest exactly what you have proposed so it works out great.


Quiz Page - It would be great to have all previous quizzes saved in your account so you can look back on them and see exactly what you might need to work on or just as a study aid

Quiz study page - This page could have a series of questions or exercises to help you study for each quiz or test and dynamically let you know your score at the end.

Sidebar (See my mock) Currently all the nav is nested in the sidebar but what my mock is suggesting is that it contains each chapter of a certain lecture so a user can just click on a chapter and the page will automatically scroll to its position. I think this is a super easy way to navigate and would also help a student who may be lost and cant find where the teacher is reading, all they would have to do is see which chapter is highlighted in the sidebar.

jchan555s commented 9 years ago

Ok, we can add a news icon to the right corner somewhere. But limit it to class news and not individual messages, so add 1 new icon. The icon will have 2 states, a normal state where the user has read all the messages, and one with a red flag to indicate a new message has been posted.

Regarding the sidebar, I see. The sidebar would be a list of say H2 tags that are hyperlinked to the actual content. That would be a good idea. I will explain this in the meta site.

For my idea #2, I'll just add it to the rationale just so that the teacher sees that we are trying something innovative. So no mock up needs on your part. I can put a mock up on my end.

Regarding the Quiz Page, I added to list items: "Practice Quizzes" and "Completed Quizzes". These need to be stylized to be made into menus.

I think we can freeze the design of the nav after this and start implementing the HTML and the proto-site pages: lectures, homepage, quizzes and resources. Thanks for your input.