jchavanton / voip_patrol

VoIP signaling and media test automation
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Register + wait for call #19

Closed davidcsi closed 2 years ago

davidcsi commented 3 years ago


I started testing voip_patrol, and I would like to:

Is this possible with voip_patrol? I've tried with SIPp but i seem to not be able to.

Many thanks!

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

Hi David, hope you are well :)

register, wait for call, answer, wait a few seconds, check if we are receiving media

        <action type="codec" disable="all"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="pcmu" priority="248"/>

        <!-- call that will last 12 seconds and re-invite every 2 seconds -->
        <action type="call"
            max_duration="55" hangup="12"
            username="65454659288" password="adaadzWidD7T"
        <action type="wait"/> <!-- this will wait until the call is confirmed -->
        <action type="codec" disable="pcma"/>
        <!-- re-invite will now use pcmu forcing a new session -->
        <action type="wait" ms="3000"/> <!-- this will wait 3 seconds -->
        <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
        <!-- re-invite will now use pcma forcing a new session -->

        <action type="wait" complete="true"> <!-- Wait until the calls are disconnected -->
jchavanton commented 3 years ago

if it does what you want with re-invite (new codec) instead of receive only, I can help you with adding support for recvonly.

davidcsi commented 3 years ago

Hello Julien!

That was quick response, I appreciate it! I started testing it and, on register, I'm getting a 401 so it's failing. I tried setting the expected code to 401 and then re-doing the registration, but i'm probably going it wrong:

    <!-- note: proxy param to send to a proxy -->
    <action type="register" label="register target.com"
        <action type="register" label="register target.com"
    <action type="wait" ms="60000"/>
    <action type="accept"
            code="200" reason="OK"

is this the right wat to go about it?

Thanks again

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

I realize It is not clearly specified, but voip_patrol will create a detailed log file with all the pjsip decision etc. default one is :

-o,--output <result.json>         json result file name

run it once more and see what it is saying when it receives the challenge. but no, you do not need the 401 version of the register.

Also I would replace

type="wait" ms="60000"


type="wait" complete="true"

Else you have to put the accept before. Also you have to put a wait after the accept.

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

If the password is wrong for example ?

davidcsi commented 3 years ago

I had the account wrong :)

davidcsi commented 3 years ago

Hello yet again!

it's getting better!

I have this now:

    <!-- note: proxy param to send to a proxy -->
    <action type="register" label="register target.com"

    <action type="accept"
            code="200" reason="OK"

    <action type="wait" ms="20000"/>
    <action type="wait" complete="true"/>


Register goes ok, but then it just exits.

[22:40:20.743][INFO] [Register] code:200
[22:40:20.743][INFO] update_result
[22:40:20.743][INFO] update_result[0x562ad14707a0]  completing

[22:40:20.744][INFO] update_result[25-09-2020 22:40:20]{"1": {"label": "register target.com", "start": "25-09-2020 22:40:20", "end": "25-09-2020 22:40:20", "action": "register", "from": "davidv48969", "to": "davidv48969", "result": "FAIL", "expected_cause_code": 401, "cause_code": 200, "reason": "OK", "callid": "", "transport": "UDP", "peer_socket": "", "duration": 0, "expected_duration": 0, "max_duration": 0, "hangup_duration": 0, "call_info":{"local_uri": "", "remote_uri": "", "local_contact": "", "remote_contact": "" }}}
[22:40:20.744][INFO]  [register]

[22:40:20.831][INFO] do_wait: completed
jchavanton commented 3 years ago

It would wait 20 seconds an exit

else you can do, wait forever:

<action type="wait" ms="-1"/>

or wait until you receive a certain amount of calls

<action type="accept" call_count="x" ... />
<action type="wait" complete="true"/>

or wait 5 seconds or one call

<action type="accept" call_count="1" ... />
<action type="wait" ms="5000"/>
jchavanton commented 3 years ago

I just tested your scenario it worked as expected.

[16:20:09.828][INFO] set_param param name:ms val:20000
[16:20:09.828][INFO] do_wait duration_ms:20000 complete all tests:0
[16:20:09.828][INFO] do_wait: action[wait] active account tests or call tests in run_wait[1] <<<<

[16:20:09.867][INFO] [Register] code:200
[16:20:09.867][INFO] update_result
[16:20:09.867][INFO] update_result[0x55fed1e291c0]  completing

[16:20:30.258][INFO] do_wait: completed
[16:20:30.258][INFO] process ===> action/wait

you can see the wait 20 seconds and then the wait complete is just returning since there is no tests in progress are you expecting something else ?

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

But you have to add the missing / in your accept action, I guess the parser should be more strict ...

davidcsi commented 3 years ago

Now it's doing it! good catch with that "/"! I will continue on trying to put the call on hold.

davidcsi commented 3 years ago

So, once the call is accepted, how do i set how long to wait before going to the next action? i.e.:

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

look at the wait command, it will stop and not execute the next action unless you use wait until

davidcsi commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I'm still not sure how to reInvite without SDP. I know you said late_start will send a call without initial SDP, but how to reinvite on the existing call with late_start?

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

Currently you can not re-invite with late start, in your initial request you did not mention that the original invite would not be late start and that the re-invite would or I missed it

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

I see I missed it, not possible currently, both of the have to be late-start true/false

Put the call on hold with sendonly (INVITE)
Get the call out of hold withOUT SDP (INVITE without SDP)
davidcsi commented 3 years ago

Well, i just tried adding late_start on the accept, and it replies to the incoming invite with 200 OK + SDP. Would reinviting on that call send out the INVITE without SDP? If so, how do i accomplish that?

jchavanton commented 3 years ago

late_start on the accept action, should simply be ignored.

When doing re-invite, the original action params are used, this is why this can not be done currently.

When adding sendonly=true/false, it could be possible to also modify late-start=true/false A new action like codec, would provide global behavioral change, per call would require more modifications.

Not sure when I will find the time / opportunity to do that but it seems it could be useful since one of the objective of voip_patrol is definitely to test complicated scenarios.