How can i wrap label text to avoid overlapping with the adjacent one whereby my labels are long but must be used as they are ? str_wrap and stri_wrap ain't doing the magic. is it possible to change my label size?
See reproducible code below:
dummy data
Practice<-c("Adherence to recommended spacing", "Conservation farming using ridges","Use of improved seeds","Irrigation","Use of pesticides")
How can i wrap label text to avoid overlapping with the adjacent one whereby my labels are long but must be used as they are ? str_wrap and stri_wrap ain't doing the magic. is it possible to change my label size?
See reproducible code below:
dummy data
Practice<-c("Adherence to recommended spacing", "Conservation farming using ridges","Use of improved seeds","Irrigation","Use of pesticides") Rank<-c("5","4","1","3","2") data<-data.frame(Practice,Rank)
bubble chart
bubbles(value=data$Rank,label =data$Practice ,key = data$Practice, color = c("red","plum","green","coral","deepskyblue"), textColor = "black",width="100%")