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Transmission of emotion: verbal description / taxonomical / expression #4

Open jcheong0428 opened 5 years ago

jcheong0428 commented 5 years ago

Transmission of emotion is difficult. Emotion is expressed via facial expressions, bodily movement. Often we form labels such as happiness and sadness. However, more complex emotions such as regret, guilt, or pride can be difficult to convey or even describe. This led to people describing feelings with reference to situations. For example, "feel like you are naked in front of people and no where to hide" or "that feeling of making a buzzer beater".

Experiment: Targets in the fMRI scanner describe emotional feelings in three ways: 1) On a rating wheel describing taxonomical and intensity (traditional way), 2) choosing or making a facial expression, 3) using music??, 4) reference to situations. Compare multivariate pattern similarity for each one.

Alternative: Show short emotion eliciting clips. Compare convergence of feelings in taxonomical, facial expression, physiological, brain.

p. 376 in "The Social Brain" https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=nQk5Pv9kf-YC&oi=fnd&pg=PA367&dq=The+social+brain:+A+project+for+integrating+primate+behavior+and+neurophysiology+in+a+new+domain&ots=ry9Y3HCdex&sig=oinllCEv6ao3wYBwaF-b6SBmkeM#v=twopage&q&f=true