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Testing game theory axiom in groups #5

Open jcheong0428 opened 5 years ago

jcheong0428 commented 5 years ago
  1. Shapley value https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapley_value solution for defining contribution to the group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHS-htjGgSY

  2. If a member of coalition contributes nothing, then they should receive nothing. and

  3. If a game has multiple parts, cost/payment should be decomposed across separate parts.

Imagine a game with 4 players. They need to collectively contribute to a pot by making clicks. There would be 10 rounds. Each round would be about 3 minutes. Let's say they need to mine for gold in a game. Each player's contribution is shown.

After each round, the players are asked how they would like the earnings of each round to be split across the individuals. The average would be chosen as the final distribution.

Prediction - How do people judge their contribution ( contribution can be directly quantified ) overweight, underweight?

++ Division of loss Sharing losses and sharing gains: Increased demand for fairness under adversity https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022103110002854

Neural responses to unfairness and fairness depend on self-contribution to the income https://academic.oup.com/scan/article/9/10/1498/1650424 Ultimatum Game - contribution from a ball guessing game. Accept less unfair offers when contribution increased. More reward related activity when fair offer following high contribution.

Social status modulates the neural response to unfairness https://academic.oup.com/scan/article/11/1/1/2375100 Ultimatum Game - Social status endowed high or low. More rejections from high status.

jcheong0428 commented 5 years ago

Luke doesn't want to go contribution - allocation route. Interested in how decision processes arise. Example of faculty hire: Who should get votes?
Students don't get a vote, same area faculty get three votes, other areas get 1 vote. How does this affect the decision? do you think about the group or individual?

Who would you choose as the leader? How much does your personal preference leak into decision versus deciding for the group?

But personally, I think you have to be interested in the outcome. This is why definition of the problem is important.

jcheong0428 commented 5 years ago

Moon landing game: http://insight.typepad.co.uk/moon_landing.pdf

Plane crash survival game: https://www.whiteman.af.mil/Portals/53/documents/AFD-130408-063.pdf used in neural synchrony of leadership http://www.pnas.org/content/112/14/4274