jchibane / if-net

Implicit Feature Network (IF-Net) - Codebase
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Problem with building dependencies #13

Closed weders closed 3 years ago

weders commented 3 years ago

Hi Julian,

Thanks for providing the code for IF-Net. I run into a compiling issue for the dependencies.

I fixed it with the following two changes to the setup.py file in libmesh:

added import numpy changed setup(...) to setup(name = 'libmesh', ext_modules = cythonize("*.pyx"), include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()])

Might be helpful for other users of the project.


weders commented 3 years ago

Furthermore, the following line in implicit_waterproofing.py caused an error:

from data_processing.libmesh.inside_mesh import check_mesh_contains

changing it to

from libmesh.inside_mesh import check_mesh_contains

fixed it.

jchibane commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot, that might have happened while rearranging the project for release. I'll check it out and update the project. Thanks for the contribution!