jchibane / if-net

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Script to test pretrained model #20

Closed arnabdeypolimi closed 3 years ago

arnabdeypolimi commented 3 years ago

Can you please provide a script to use your pretrained models for prediction?

jchibane commented 3 years ago

Hi @arnabdeypolimi,

with minor changes to the checkpoint loading https://github.com/jchibane/if-net/blob/f1875934dc1fb5bc19e8977f29292d1b40af8a1d/models/generation.py#L92 or by simply setting up an experiment folder incorporating the checkpoint you should be able to run the pre-trained models. We plan to integrate a more convenient official solution in a future update but can't promise a date yet. A PR is very welcome!

Best, Julian

arnabdeypolimi commented 3 years ago

Hello @jchibane

Thanks for your response.

Btw do know how solve this error Loading Plugins: Current Plugins Dir is: /usr/lib/meshlab/plugins Error in XMLFile: filter_measure.xml - line: -1, column: -1 - Error in XMLFile: filter_mutualinfo.xml - line: -1, column: -1 - Total 227 filtering actions Total 13 io plugins I am getting this error while running python data_processing/convert_to_scaled_off.py I have tried both meshlabserver commands mentioned in convert_to_scaled_off.py

Do you have any suggestion?

jchibane commented 3 years ago


I have not seen this issue so far. I used MehLab v1.3.2 - this might be worth trying.

Best, Julian

arnabdeypolimi commented 3 years ago

Hi @jchibane,

I have tried that particular version also but still having same error. Is it possible for you to make a docker image of the code?

Thank you, Arnab Dey

jchibane commented 3 years ago


I think a possible way out might be to use a different library to convert from .OBJ to .OFF . If I remember correctly I found trimesh might be an option!

Best, Julian

arnabdeypolimi commented 3 years ago


I think a possible way out might be to use a different library to convert from .OBJ to .OFF . If I remember correctly I found trimesh might be an option!

Best, Julian

I have managed to solve the conversion problem. I hardcoded the conversion with python script without using any library. It is slower than the library but it worked

arnabdeypolimi commented 3 years ago

@jchibane can you please tell me how did you generate the demo gif of the mesh and point cloud? I mean the rotating video of meshes on the readme

jchibane commented 3 years ago

We did this manually via blender! :)