jchris / taskr

lightweight realtime task tracking as a CouchApp
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taskr too old for couchapp 0.6.2? #2

Open donpdonp opened 14 years ago

donpdonp commented 14 years ago

$ couchapp version

Couchapp (version 0.6.2)

$ git clone http://github.com/jchris/taskr.git

Initialized empty Git repository in /home/donp/Documents/Code/taskr/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 1756, done.

$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/taskr


$ couchapp push http://localhost:5984/taskr

2010-06-20 09:55:40 [ERROR] couchapp error: You aren't in a couchapp.

$ ls

_attachments evently README.md validate_doc_update.js vendor views

klml commented 14 years ago

2010-06-20 09:55:40 [ERROR] couchapp error: You aren't in a couchapp.

do you have a .couchapprc in the directory? http://wiki.github.com/couchapp/couchapp/manual-2

can you show us $ ls -a ?

donpdonp commented 14 years ago

i left out the 'cd' command, but i did cd into taskr. here is another go:

donp@sparky:/tmp$ git clone http://github.com/jchris/taskr.git

Resolving deltas: 100% (838/838), done.

donp@sparky:/tmp$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/taskr {"error":"file_exists","reason":"The database could not be created, the file already exists."}

donp@sparky:/tmp$ cd taskr/

donp@sparky:/tmp/taskr$ couchapp push http://localhost:5984/taskr

2010-06-27 20:39:13 [ERROR] couchapp error: You aren't in a couchapp.

donp@sparky:/tmp/taskr$ ls -a

. .. _attachments evently .git .gitignore README.md validate_doc_update.js vendor views

if .couchapprc is a requirement for couchapp, maybe a blank one should be put in the repo, or a more informative error message be used.

klml commented 14 years ago

I always used .couchapprc but You are right: 'couchapp push http://localhost:5984/taskr2' works as well, but only with an, even empty, .couchapprc.