jchristman / PyDA

Python binary DisAssembler
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some small fixes to get disassembly working again #59

Closed madsc13ntist closed 9 years ago

madsc13ntist commented 9 years ago

I was getting errors when attempting to use the latest version to disassemble a bin. self.dis was not defined prior to a if statement (which broke). and then later capstone (itself) wasn't being imported directly (which broke).

both fixed and added shebang to the first line of PyDA.py so i don't have to feed the script to python manually on nix systems.

disassembly appears to be working again. :)

jchristman commented 9 years ago

Hey @madsc13ntist! Just wanted to let you know that we are no longer developing this. I will merge your PR and any future PR's you may have, but that's all I'm going to do on it... You might find that exloring some of the other branches is more useful than the master branch. We did make some progress but eventually ran into issues with the UI because of how horrible Python is at threading - the UI ends up freezing because the GIL takes a lot of time doing the actual disassembly.

If you want to try and take over the project and actually make it useful, I think there is a lot of pent-up demand for a good open source disassembler. We just ran into too many walls to the point we didn't think this would work...

crowell commented 9 years ago

@jchristman @madsc13ntist I'm currently in the beginning stages of a nice Qt gui for radare2.

You may want to focus your efforts on helping me there!

madsc13ntist commented 9 years ago

bad ass! I'll pop over there then. :)

madsc13ntist commented 9 years ago

@jchristman I'll likely keep picking at PyDA and submit any bug fixes I come across. I saw that the project is essentially orphaned, but if you are cool with pull requests i might try my hand at fixing what I can. You're right about open source disassembler demand. that's why i'd like to help.

madsc13ntist commented 9 years ago

@crowell do you have a link to the specific radare2 project you're referencing? you seem to have a few. lol

crowell commented 9 years ago

@madsc13ntist I have not published anything for the ui I just started on. but the webui lives here: https://github.com/radare/radare2/tree/master/shlr/www/p

I'll keep you posted when I publish something

madsc13ntist commented 9 years ago

roger that. keep me posted. :)