jchristopher / attachments

[WordPress Plugin] Attachments allows you to simply append any number of items from your WordPress Media Library to Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types
GNU General Public License v2.0
241 stars 78 forks source link

Make 'Change' translatable #159

Closed dhunink closed 6 years ago

dhunink commented 8 years ago

I've just translated the plugin into Dutch. However I noted that the text for the Change link is not translatable. The link right next to it, 'Remove' actually is. Just wondering, is there a special reason for this? If not, we should make both translatable schermafbeelding 2016-01-11 om 16 38 28

jchristopher commented 8 years ago

It looks like it's set up to be translatable https://github.com/jchristopher/attachments/blob/master/classes/class.attachments.php#L1357 but perhaps the source pot hasn't been updated. I'll try to check it out ASAP.

jchristopher commented 6 years ago

Hello, given the age of this Issue I'm going to mark it as Closed but if this is still a problem please comment here!