jchv / go-webview2

WebView2 bindings for pure Go, without CGo, based on the webview/webview bindings.
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Window title is initially empty #33

Closed jscholes closed 2 years ago

jscholes commented 2 years ago

When allowing the library to create a new window, the window title is initially empty. Even if the calling code uses SetTitle ASAP, there is a period of time (between the window being created and the browser instance finishing being initialised) when the window title has no text. This is problematic for accessibility clients (e.g. screen readers), as users will be informed about the presence of an untitled window.

It would be good for WebViewOptions to accept a WindowTitle string, allowing the window title to be set as early as possible.

jscholes commented 2 years ago

@jchv Thanks for turning this around so quickly, and having an a11y label for issues!