jcjohnson / fast-neural-style

Feedforward style transfer
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this can support video? #27

Open arden opened 7 years ago

arden commented 7 years ago

this can support video?

tzatter commented 7 years ago

You can make a video from images using ffmpeg

Like this python code

def ffmpeg(imagesPath,videoPath,audioPath,audioTime,framerate=6):
    cmd = 'ffmpeg -r %s -pattern_type glob -i "%s*.jpg" -t %s -i %s -vcodec libx264 -profile:v high -pix_fmt yuv420p -acodec copy -r 30 %s' % (framerate,imagesPath,audioTime,audioPath,videoPath)
    print cmd

The result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ranp3U4mQiE

linrio commented 7 years ago

How to transfer a XXXXX.mp4 style video ?