jcjohnson / neural-style

Torch implementation of neural style algorithm
MIT License
18.3k stars 2.71k forks source link

Any ports to Python? #450

Open rraallvv opened 6 years ago

rraallvv commented 6 years ago

I'm struggling to get the Lua script to run on a Jupyter Notebook on Google Colab but can't get past this error. Only building the dependencies with Luarocks took me about an hour, but since I went offline the virtual machine was restarted and I'll have to start all over.

Does anyone know of a port to Python? ...or, maybe some transcompiler to convert the Lua script to Python?

I'm asking because both languages are very similar, also my guess is that all dependencies should be available for Python too, since it's kind of the de-facto programming language when working with those kind of things.

Keep up the good work!

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

There is no shortage of python implementations, and google finds most of them.

I personally like this http://pytorch.org/tutorials/advanced/neural_style_tutorial.html mainly because it is the clearest description of the process too.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

I've heard that the various Python implementations don't seem to be on par with the Lua implementation yet.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

I've heard that the various Python implementations don't seem to be on par with the Lua implementation yet.

I wonder what shortcomings there are then, if the actual process is the same. Missing features can be added if one knows python. Pytorch itself started as a port of torch to python, but has already developed beyond torch in terms of functionality. I see most new projects using either pytorch or tensorflow, and find myself already starting to forget lua and torch.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago


Missing features can be added if one knows python.

You can also use Torch7's Lua modules in Pytorch.

I've been wanting to translate Neural-Style into PyTorch for a while now. But I am not as proficient in Python as I am in Lua.

I haven't been able to find any PyTorch versions of Neural-Style that had the same features as Neural-Style does already. Some of the examples like the one on the official PyTorch site, are very limited and they don't do things the same way as Neural-Style. For example, autograd seemingly causes differences in the Lua version if you compare szagoruyko's neural-style-autograd, and jcjohnson's neural-style. So I imagine PyTorch is no different with things like this.

For an accurate comparison between Torch7 and PyTorch, I'd like to keep things as similar as possible.

minxdragon commented 6 years ago

I have found https://github.com/anishathalye/neural-style to be a nice python port using tensorflow. most of the features translate in a similar way so I have been able to modify my bash scripts accordingly. The fine tuning is a little tricky, but I am getting there.

the main differences are in -init image is --initial (path to file) and the checkpoints for iterations need to be specified differently. --checkpoint-iterations 10 --checkpoint-output (filename)%s.jpg

On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 1:43 PM ProGamerGov notifications@github.com wrote:

@htoyryla https://github.com/htoyryla

Missing features can be added if one knows python.

You can also use Torch7's Lua modules in Pytorch.

I've been wanting to translate Neural-Style into PyTorch for a while now. But I am still learning Python.

I haven't been able to find any PyTorch versions of Neural-Style that had the same features as Neural-Style does already. Some of the examples like the one on the official PyTorch site, are very limited and they don't do things the same way as Neural-Style. For example, autograd seemingly causes differences in the Lua version if you compare szagoruyko's neural-style-autograd https://github.com/szagoruyko/neural-style-autograd, and jcjohnson's neural-style. So I imagine PyTorch is no different with things like this.

For an accurate comparison between Torch7 and PyTorch, I'd like to keep things as similar as possible.

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ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

For Tensorflow, there is also neural-style-tf: https://github.com/cysmith/neural-style-tf

It does pretty much everything Neural-Style does along with masked style transfer and "Artistic style transfer for videos". But I was talking about the lack of options for PyTorch.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

I've got a basic PyTorch style transfer script setup to try and copy neural_style.lua, but I am having issues trying to implement the normalization step that takes places during the backward step.


I'm also not sure how to get the -style_scale working, seeing as the style and content images need to be the same size?

I could always use lutorpy, but I feel like that would result in it's own issues. But it could be useful to try and use loadcaffe in order to load the same caffemodels as neural_style.lua.

Looks like I should be using PyTorch's save_for_backward.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

@htoyryla I've got the model setup stuff mostly working now, but it crashes when you try to run forward/updateOutput for the content loss capture step.

The error log: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/67a638af58dec47c18815dab370ebf34

This line causes the error: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/a19cf54e3c65f714fca03eb6b4c300ce#file-test2-py-L96

I'm not sure if I have hit a bug in PyTorch, or if the error is because of something I need to fix in my scripts.

I made post on the PyTorch Github page about this issue: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/5607

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

I am sorry to say, but I fail to see the logic of this part https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/a19cf54e3c65f714fca03eb6b4c300ce#file-modelsetup-py-L26-L39 . It seems to me you are messing up the pretrained cnn model there. Making this too difficult.

In my view, one should simply

Do not try to modify any existing layer, most likely you will lose the pretrained weights if you try. Any layer you extract from cnn is already a valid, working and pretrained pytorch layer, just use it. Only add the loss modules after the correct layers and that's it.

This is what how the model is set up in Justin's lua code, too (except for the modification of pooling layers if needed... that can be done as a pooling layer has no pretrained weights).

PS. Of course, using the layers from the pytorch pretrained VGG-19 will result in using real pytorch layers, not legacy ones, if that is a problem to you. If you insist on using nn.legacy, then you should not use the torchvision.models.vgg19 either (as the legacy module is for using legacy torch models).

If you want absolutely want to go that way, then I think it is possible, in lua torch, to save the caffemodel into to t7 file, and the in legacy pytorch to import the t7 file and save it as a pth file. I've done that a few times, I think. But I prefer to work in real pytorch by now, so much easier.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

@htoyryla I ditched my idea of "replacing layers" because that basically broke the model. I've successfully setup the steps you described, for both the legacy and non legacy versions of PyTorch.

I have a legacy version of my code, which requires a .t7 model. The image processing and deprocessing are not working correctly, and I can't seem to get to output a stylized image (though it does output "changed images"): https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/360195eaa5ed480b5755285667a59975

To convert a caffemodel to a compatible .t7 format, I used this script: https://github.com/jcjohnson/cnn-benchmarks/blob/master/convert_model.lua. If you set it's backend parameter to cudnn, then PyTorch gives you an error.

For the vgg19 test model, I used this caffemodel which was stripped of it's FC Layers: https://style-transfer.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/vgg19.caffemodel


This script will handle downloading and converting the models: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/41fd356be1673ab8bf92aa66fd31fd2d

This is a bunch of code from my legacy setup, that I've ported to regular PyTorch: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/59136b1492ebeff89072927dcc6b7814

The error message that running it causes:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "st.py", line 206, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/optim/lbfgs.py", line 101, in step
    orig_loss = closure()
  File "st.py", line 197, in feval
    mod.backward(img, dy.data)
  File "/home/ubuntu/neural-style/LossModules.py", line 34, in backward
RuntimeError: inconsistent tensor size, expected r_ [], t [] and src [1 x 3 x 512 x 682] to have the same number of elements, but got 0, 0 and 1047552 elements respectively at /pytorch/torch/lib/TH/generic/THTensorMath.c:1021

For some reason input.nelement() is never equal to self.target.nelement(), in the ContentLoss backward function: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/59136b1492ebeff89072927dcc6b7814#file-lossmodules-py-L29

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

I have a legacy version of my code, which requires a .t7 model. The image processing and deprocessing are not working correctly, and I can't seem to get to output a stylized image (though it does output "changed images")

Most likely there is a mismatch somewhere between the [0..1] and [0..255] value ranges. If you are using a t7 file converted from the caffemodel, then the model expects a [0..255] value range minus the mean. You need to debug the values from the point where you read them onwards.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

For some reason input.nelement() is never equal to self.target.nelement(), in the ContentLoss backward function:

Most likely there is something wrong with the target. First you feed in an image and capture a target. Later on, when you feed in an image of the same size, you should get an input of the same size.

Only during the initial phase, when we also feed in the style image, does a content loss module ever get something of a different size. It should not matter, as the loss module should ignore it if the program logic is correct.

RuntimeError: inconsistent tensor size, expected r_ [], t [] and src [1 x 3 x 512 x 682] to have the same number of elements, but got 0, 0 and 1047552 elements respectively at /pytorch/torch/lib/TH/generic/THTensorMath.c:1021

1 x 3 x 512 x 682 is indeed equal to 1047552, so there is the right number of elements anyway, but the one is a 4-dimensional tensor (such as output from a layer) and the other has all elements in a single dimension. Somewhere a wrong view()?

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

@htoyryla I'm not sure if the variables are being shared correctly between the loss functions.

I added self.gradInput to the ContentLoss __init__ function: :https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/59136b1492ebeff89072927dcc6b7814#file-lossmodules-py-L12, in order to prevent an error. But I think that may have been a symptom of another problem.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

For the legacy version, I think I might have fixed the image processing: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/cd05080818dadd3a9eaafa086685a289

But this the current output:


This is the output with starry_night_crop.png:


Here's starry_night_crop.png with Adam:


This was an earlier failure before I arrived at the above outputs:



The x value changes over time in the feval function, just like in Neural-Style (only it seems to start at a different value).

If the image processing is ok, then it may have something to due with the gram matrix code:

Neural-Style uses:

self.gradInput:resize(C, H * W):mm(gradOutput, x_flat)

But I used:

     self.gradInput.resize_(C, H * W
     self.gradInput = torch.mm(gradOutput, x_flat)

When I tested the Python code setup back in Neural-Style, every still worked ok:

self.gradInput:resize(C, H * W)
self.gradInput = torch.mm(gradOutput, x_flat)

I've also ruled out gradient normalization as the cause.

Maybe these messages when running the optimization, hint at the cause?

Running optimization with ADAM
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/legacy/optim/adam.py:65: UserWarning: tensor1 is not broadcastable to self, but they have the same number of elements.  Falling back to deprecated pointwise behavior.
  x.addcdiv_(-stepSize, state['m'], state['denom'])
Running optimization with L-BFGS
('<optim.lbfgs>', 'creating recyclable direction/step/history buffers')
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/legacy/optim/lbfgs.py:197: UserWarning: other is not broadcastable to self, but they have the same number of elements.  Falling back to deprecated pointwise behavior.
  x.add_(t, d)

Second Edit:

Setting -content_weight to 0 with -opimtizer lbfgs, and only using conv layers instead of relu layers, results in the first style layer becoming a NAN:

Iteration: 50 / 1000
  Content: nn.ContentLoss loss: 0.0
  Style: nn.StyleLoss loss: nan
  Style: nn.StyleLoss loss: 2.26559419861e+23
  Style: nn.StyleLoss loss: 8.66893296314e+22
  Style: nn.StyleLoss loss: 2.16423312435e+23
  Style: nn.StyleLoss loss: 1.38950169927e+19
  Total loss nan


ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

As for the non legacy version:

This was the result of this: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/f94d1ba5defad7725781537de6812c99

out_60 out_275 out_406

I then tried things a bit differently with this: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/9b17315bbbee72e8116c456fc622a5f1 out_26

And then some general messing around with these: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/a5283af593cd50b4a33b8fc26ec705bc

That ended up an empty variable:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "st.py", line 234, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/torch/optim/lbfgs.py", line 101, in step
    orig_loss = closure()
  File "st.py", line 228, in feval
    mod.backward(input, gradOutput)
  File "/home/ubuntu/neural-style/LossModules.py", line 111, in backward
    self.gradInput = self.gram.backward(input, dG) # Gram Backward
  File "/home/ubuntu/neural-style/LossModules.py", line 61, in backward
    assert input.dim() == 3 and input.size(0)

@htoyryla Have you done any experimentation involving trying to replicate Neural-Style's abilities in PyTorch?

jcjohnson commented 6 years ago

@ProGamerGov @htoyryla I worked on a PyTorch port for a while last year; I got the basic algorithm working but didn't have time to get it up to feature parity with the Lua version.

I had a really hard time getting good style transfer results with the version of the VGG network provided in the PyTorch model zoo, but it did work once I ported the original caffe version of the VGG network to PyTorch: https://github.com/jcjohnson/pytorch-vgg

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

@jcjohnson Thanks for the tip regarding the models, my scripts seem to produce "stylized" results now, with the VGG models from pytorch-vgg!

I was able to achieve some sort of DeepDream style transfer:




Though these results are using a slightly modified version of the PyTorch style transfer tutorial loss modules, so they lack features from the original Neural-Style.

I got the basic algorithm working but didn't have time to get it up to feature parity with the Lua version.

@jcjohnson Did you come up with a way to implement gradient normalization and dividing by n twice in StyleLoss, which only takes place in Neural-Style's backwards pass? I've been trying to replicate Neural-Style's backwards loss functions (complete with the backwards criterion pass), but I have a feeling that it may be easier to play to PyTorch's strengths.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

I've been trying to debug an issue with my backwards gram pass, and I can't seem to pinpoint the exact cause. For simplicity, both input images used in each test, were 64x64 in size.

This is the error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "st.py", line 258, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/optim/lbfgs.py", line 101, in step
    orig_loss = closure()
  File "st.py", line 253, in feval
    mod.backward(img, dy)
  File "/home/ubuntu/PyTorch_NS/LossModules2.py", line 104, in backward
    self.gradInput = self.gram.backward(input, dG.grad)
  File "/home/ubuntu/PyTorch_NS/LossModules2.py", line 61, in backward
    self.gradInput = torch.mm(gradOutput, x_flat) 
RuntimeError: size mismatch, m1: [64 x 64], m2: [3 x 4096] at /pytorch/torch/lib/TH/generic/THTensorMath.c:1434

This is my PyTorch code's output:

ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/PyTorch_NS$ python st.py -content_image content_64.jpg -style_image style_64.png -image_size 64
(1L, 3L, 64L, 64L)
(1L, 3L, 64L, 64L)
Setting up style layer 1: relu1_1
Setting up style layer 2: relu2_1
Setting up style layer 3: relu3_1
Setting up style layer 4: relu4_1
Setting up content layer 1: relu4_2
Setting up style layer 5: relu5_1
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 64, 64, 64])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([64, 4096])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 128, 32, 32])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([128, 1024])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 256, 16, 16])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([256, 256])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 8, 8])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 64])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 4, 4])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 16])
Capturing content targets
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 64, 64, 64])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([64, 4096])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 128, 32, 32])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([128, 1024])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 256, 16, 16])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([256, 256])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 8, 8])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 64])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 4, 4])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 16])
Running optimization with L-BFGS
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 64, 64, 64])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([64, 4096])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 128, 32, 32])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([128, 1024])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 256, 16, 16])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([256, 256])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 8, 8])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 64])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 4, 4])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 16])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 64, 64, 64])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([64, 4096])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 128, 32, 32])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([128, 1024])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 256, 16, 16])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([256, 256])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 8, 8])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 64])
input - gram - forward torch.Size([1, 512, 4, 4])
x_flat - gram - forward torch.Size([512, 16])
input - gram - backward torch.Size([1, 3, 64, 64])
gradOutput - gram - backward torch.Size([64, 64])
x_flat - gram - backward torch.Size([3, 4096])
(64L, 64L)
(3L, 4096L)

This is what Neural-Style does (modified to print the same values as my PyTorch code:

[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

Setting up style layer      2   :   relu1_1 
Setting up style layer      7   :   relu2_1 
Setting up style layer      12  :   relu3_1 
Setting up style layer      21  :   relu4_1 
Setting up content layer    23  :   relu4_2 
Setting up style layer      30  :   relu5_1 
Capturing content targets   
input:size - gram - forward  64
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward    64
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  128
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward   128
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

Capturing style target 1    
input:size - gram - forward  64
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward    64
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  128
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward   128
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  64
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward    64
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  128
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward   128
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

Running optimization with L-BFGS    
input:size - gram - forward  64
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward    64
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  128
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward   128
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  256
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - forward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - backward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 3]

x_flat:size - gram - backward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

gradOutput:size - gram - backward  512
[torch.LongStorage of size 2]

input:size - gram - backward  512

This is the PyTorch code I was using: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/21e958010d96280d8e0914efcb9269d1

And this is the modified neural_style.lua code that I was using: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/b9d8fa1f65d70af0618010f3075bba94

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

At a quick glance, this is how it looks to me.

You get this error for an mm operation:

> File "/home/ubuntu/PyTorch_NS/LossModules2.py", line 61, in backward
    self.gradInput = torch.mm(gradOutput, x_flat) 
RuntimeError: size mismatch, m1: [64 x 64], m2: [3 x 4096] 

MM requires that the dimensions of the two matrices are like m x p and p x n, and the result will have dimension m x n. Your error happens in gram:backward where the gradoutput dimensions should be C x C and the input dimensions C x H x W. Obviously, here C is the common dimension. The mm operation can then project the C x C gradient into the input dimensions C x HW.

Now when the error occurs, C = 3, but there is no conv layer having 3 channels at the output, correspondingly there should not be any Gram matrix having input of dimensions 3 x H X W. Perhaps you have the layers mixed up somehow.

This is just a quick comment. Don't have the time to delve deep into this. It is just that it is strange that there should be 3 x H x W input to a gram matrix.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

Perhaps you have the layers mixed up somehow.

I have checked the layers, and they are setup correctly as far as I can tell.

So the input to the gram matrix's backwards pass, is the img variable in the feval() function, which is supposed to be the same as neural-style's x variable inside it's feval() function.

Using the format: B, C, H, W = .size(),

At the start of the feval() function, img.size() is:

B: 1 C: 3 H: 64 W: 64

And at the start of neural_style.lua's feval() function, it's pretty much the same for x:size() :

C: 3 H: 64 W: 64

And it get's sent to the StyleLoss and GramMatrix functions, via: local grad = net:updateGradInput(x, dy). But unlike my code:

    for mod in style_losses:
      mod.backward(img, dy)
    for mod in content_losses:
      mod.backward(img, dy)

...local grad = net:updateGradInput(x, dy) seems to change x before giving it to StyleLoss::updateGradInput:

C: 512 H: 4 W: 4


The forward style loss function in my PyTorch code has it's input.size() correctly changed:

B: 1 C: 64 H: 64 W: 64

Neural-Style's forward style loss function has the same input:size() minus the batch size:

C: 64 H: 64 W: 64

In my StyleLoss backward function input.size() is:

B: 1 C: 3 H: 64 W: 64

For my PyTorch Backward StyleLoss code's, I create dG (which become the gram matrix's gradOutput variable) with:

          #dG = Variable(self.G.data, requires_grad=True) #This works?
          #dG.backward(self.target.data) #This works?
          dG = Variable(self.target.data, requires_grad=True) #This works?
          dG.backward(self.G.data) #This works?

But I don't do anything with StyleLoss's input variable before sending it to the gram matrix. And the input variable is basically just img from my feval() function.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

So the input to the gram matrix's backwards pass, is the img variable in the feval() function, which is supposed to be the same as neural-style's x variable inside it's feval() function.

Makes no sense to me. You seem to assume that the x use see in feval is an x you have in the loss modules. Feval handles the model level. The loss modules reside inside the model, getting input from the layer below, not directly from the image.

Specifically, the gram matrix gets an input of C x H x W from the ReLU below and outputs a C x C matrix as a representation of the style. In the backward pass of the gram matrix, the difference between the current gram output and the target gram output is run backwards to give the gradients at the gram matrix input, i.e. the output of the ReLU to which the loss module has been added.

In Justin's code, this is quite clear. During the forward pass the style loss module stores the gram matrix output (input is the input to the style loss module from the conv/relu layer).

self.G = self.gram:forward(input)

then, in the backward pass the difference to the target (dG) is given to gram.backward

local dG = self.crit:backward(self.G, self.target)
self.gradInput = self.gram:backward(input, dG)

So, at the gram matrix output, as therefore also in the backward pass, we always should have C x C matrices. At the input we have C x H x W, the size of the layer to which the loss module has been added.

But I don't do anything with StyleLoss's input variable before sending it to the gram matrix. And the input variable is basically just img from my feval() function.

Then something is wrong. Feval does not, or should not, call the style modules. Feval handles the whole module, and the style modules, being layers inside the model, then get called with the proper input from the correct layer.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

You seem to assume that the x use see in feval is an x you have in the loss modules.

I was thinking that the x and dy in net:updateGradInput(x, dy), were being passed into the loss modules.

Then something is wrong. Feval does not, or should not, call the style modules. Feval handles the whole module, and the style modules, being layers inside the model, then get called with the proper input from the correct layer.

This is probably why my backwards pass is not working correctly, as the inputs are incorrect.

So I should probably be using backwards hooks for the backwards style and content loss functions, and then only collecting the loss in the feval function? Because PyTorch (non legacy) doesn't have a .updateGradInput or .backward for nn.sequential objects, and I don't see a way that I can do this without them (unless I am missing something) or backwards hooks (which was suggested to me for editing things inside the backwards pass).

I previous tried to use register_backward_hook() in the model setup portion of my script, but I couldn't make that work (I was following an official PyTorch tutorial from here). I guess then I should somehow be using register_backward_hook() inside the StyleLoss and ContentLoss initialization or forward functions.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

So I tried using hooks, and I can change the output image, but I can't seem to make it work: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/d8c5a4e9384ef670ab11549393221d00. The output ends up looking like a bunch of black and white blobs.

I also tried using Gatys' model setup definition idea that let's you grab the outputs from any layer. But his method is highly inefficient when compared to Lua/Torch with neural_style.lua.

Gatys' comment, "800 #works for 8GB GPU, make larger if you have 12GB or more" makes this setup method seem like a dead end, when compared to Neural-Style.

This was my attempt at replicating Gatys' idea with a dynamic custom VGG class: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/17a99ebab50e4fe7079ebc1c40c889a3

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

So I tried using hooks, and I can change the output image, but I can't seem to make it work

I must say I did not really grasp the need for hooks, but had no time to really try either. One does a backward() and then feval reads the losses from the loss modules. But I have not really worked on neural-style in pytorch, mainly with GANSs, VAEs and some natural language processing. I do realize that using a VGG converted from a caffemodel might place some constrains.

Anyway, the current way of working in pytorch seems to be:

Instead of nn.Sequential, the model is just built in code like this. First define the layers:

self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), (2, 2))
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, (3, 3), (1, 1), (1, 1))
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 32, (3, 3), (1, 1), (1, 1))

and in forward() chain them like this:

   def forward(self, x):
        x = self.relu(self.conv1(x))
        x = self.relu(self.conv2(x))
        x = self.relu(self.conv3(x))
        return x

One doesn't do a backward() on the model, but rather on the loss so that autograd follows the gradients wherever they might lead to.

Neural-style is not, however, a typical model with loss at the output and a backward pass to train the weights. Here, we introduce losses at multiple levels inside the network, do not train the model weights but use the gradient to develop the input image.

It is not self evident to me what this entails. Looking at the pytorch neural-style tutorial, though:

They are using nn.Sequential to build the model. So with luck one could load in the VGG that was converted from the caffemodel.

They are implementing backward() in the loss modules, by first defining self.loss in the forward(), e.g. in the Style loss module:

        self.loss = self.criterion(self.G, self.target)

and the calling backward on it in the backward() function:

 def backward(self, retain_graph=True):
        return self.loss

Looks clear and simple to me. We don't need to do a backward on the whole model, because nothing interesting happens at the model output. Everything depends on the losses measured by the loss modules inside the model.

But wait a minute... if there is no model.backward() how do the loss.backward():s ever get called? In the tutorial they do this in a closure, which corresponds with the feval:

for sl in style_losses:
    style_score += sl.backward()
for cl in content_losses:
   content_score += cl.backward()

I remember you were calling loss modules from feval, and I did not understand why. Now it makes sense, first one does a model.forward to evaluate losses, and then calls backward() of each loss_module to take care of the gradients. This is because backward is done for the losses, each of which is a kind of an output from the model.

Sounds reasonable, but I am still a bit uneasy about this. Running backward() from multiple points would seem to lead to including the gradients from some loss modules several times. This is because I am thinking that the loss modules are part of the Sequential, so that the gradient from an upper loss module will, during backward, pass thru the lower loss modules, being added to them. Like it happens in the lua/torch code.

It must be, then, that in pytorch, the loss modules are not feedthrough layers but really endpoints of a graph, like outputs. Then we can do a backward on each loss module, so that the gradients will propagate through the model (without passing through other loss modules like in lua/torch neural-style) and only added together in feval (closure). This is clearly a different architecture and leads to different code in the loss modules and feval/closure.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

I finally have a working solution which doesn't try to anything on the backwards pass. It follows PyTorch's strengths, and I have gotten many of neural_style.lua's features working in it: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/3731931b00b5cc9dd999e75c129941a2

I had multiple style images working at one point, but I broke it and have yet to fix it.

I also feel like the lack of scaling the style loss to layer, and the lack of gradient normalization, is contributing to some lower quality results when compared to neural_style.lua. Adam also doesn't seem to work properly, but that's probably just a matter of finding the right parameters for it. There are also appear to be some major spikes in GPU usage, that may be somewhat comparable to Neural-Style during the capturing steps.

-image_size 512, -num_iterations 1000:


-image_size 1024, -num_iterations 50:


-image_size 512, -num_iterations 1000:


-image_size 1024, -num_iterations 50:


htoyryla commented 6 years ago

I also feel like the lack of scaling the style loss to layer

You already have that on this line. In the gram matrix function you divide the gram matrix by B C H * W: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/3731931b00b5cc9dd999e75c129941a2#file-lossmodulesnew-py-L33

Therefore this line would divide the gram matrix once more with the same number: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/3731931b00b5cc9dd999e75c129941a2#file-lossmodulesnew-py-L53

That is because the input to style loss forward (being the output from the selected layer) is passed to Gram to calculate the Gram matrix, so input is the same in both functions, of dimensions B C H * W which is the same as the number of elements in input.

You could experiment with alternative scaling, like C C instead of C H * W. Basically that would change the weight of different style layers, and I think we have experimented on this before.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

As to gradient normalization, I would look into torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm, see discussion here https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/proper-way-to-do-gradient-clipping/191 . It is just not clear to me how to use it, when optim is calling feval (as opposed to a simple iteration loop where one can modify the gradients before calling optimizer.step().

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

So previously, I wasn't doing any sort of pre-processing like converting to and from BGR or subtracting/adding the mean pixel values. I also wasn't rescaling from [0, 1] to [0, 255], even though the pytorch-vgg models expect a range of 0 to 255.

I tried to add total variance loss, but I can't seem to get the same effects as the TVLoss module in Neural-Style with the code I was testing out.

Content and style weights are still not working like neural_style.lua. For example, there is almost no difference between a style weight of 1000 and a style weight of 5000. In Neural-Style, there would be a major difference between the two values. I've tried various things to "resolve" this issue, but I haven't been able to solve it thus far.

I tried using torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm as per the link you provided, but I was unable to effect things in a noticeable way. Maybe it's because I don't fully understand how neural_style.lua's normalization, is similar to clamping in PyTorch?

Adding proper pre-proccessing and de-processing made a major difference in terms of output image quality:



The Adam optimizer also seems to work now:


There may also be some sort of padding related problem? For example, comparing iteration 150 (left) and iteration 450 (right), after previously stylizing the image at a lower resolution, has a noticeably growing artifact on the right hand side:

Here's the updated code: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/0a4624bd5c06fe72bf7995bcec03b67e

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

So previously, I wasn't doing any sort of pre-processing like converting to and from BGR or subtracting/adding the mean pixel values. I also wasn't rescaling from [0, 1] to [0, 255], even though the pytorch-vgg models expect a range of 0 to 255.

So it is actually a wonder you got so decent results earlier. The model needs proper value range and channel order to respond as expected.

Content and style weights are still not working like neural_style.lua.

At least now you are doing it different from th epytorch tutorial, where the weight is applied to the input respective gram matrix being passed to the criteria, not to the returned loss:

self.loss = self.criterion(input * self.weight, self.target)


        self.G = self.gram(input)
        self.loss = self.criterion(self.G, self.target)

I tried using torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm as per the link you provided, but I was unable to effect things in a noticeable way. Maybe it's because I don't fully understand how neural_style.lua's normalization, is similar to clamping in PyTorch?

Clamping is of course not the same as normalization. It just seemed to me that clip_grad_norm was also doing normalization, but maybe I looked too quickly.

Maybe you should simply try, in contentLoss:

    def forward(self, input):
        if self.mode == 'capture':
            self.target = input.detach() * self.strength
        elif self.mode == 'loss':
            self.loss = self.crit(input * self.strength, self.target)
            self.loss.div_(self.loss.norm(0) + 1e-8) 
        self.output = input
        return self.output

Notice also how input in multiplied by strength both in capture and loss, so that they are comparable in the crit function. If you multiply the target but not input in the loss mode, you are comparing blueberries with watermelons.

I am not fully sure if my line above to get the norm is correct, and don't have the time to test. Just note that the indexing in lua starts form 1 but in python from 0.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

So it is actually a wonder you got so decent results earlier. The model needs proper value range and channel order to respond as expected.

Yea, I'm surprised that I was even getting a stylized result without any sort of pre-processing. But there were some issues with the sky, which were visible with the Starry Night style image.

At least now you are doing it different from the pytorch tutorial, where the weight is applied to the input respective gram matrix being passed to the criteria, not to the returned loss:

The same issue was occurring with the PyTorch tutorial's way of applying the weights.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

Have a look at my updated comment.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

Yea, I'm surprised that I was even getting a stylized result without any sort of pre-processing. But there were some issues with the sky, which were visible with the Starry Night style image

If there is BGR/RGB confusion, then the model sees the sky as red, which can make a difference.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

This line results in:

self.loss.div_(self.loss.norm(0) + 1e-8) 
RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation

I think the fix is adding .clone(), but I am not entirely sure if that's the right solution:

self.loss.div_(self.loss.clone().norm(0) + 1e-8) 
htoyryla commented 6 years ago

Cloning like that does not solve this, because the inline division is still there.

If the inline operation is not allowed, have you tried the normal assignment?

self.loss = self.loss.div(self.loss.norm(0) + 1e-8)

Google finds much discussion on this issue, for instance https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/encounter-the-runtimeerror-one-of-the-variables-needed-for-gradient-computation-has-been-modified-by-an-inplace-operation/836

I get the impression that even the above might result in an inplace division, then I would try cloning. That is, calculate the new loss using a clone and put the result in self.loss.

self.loss = self.loss.clone().div(self.loss.norm(0) + 1e-8)

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

For the content/style weight issue, it seems as though there is some sort of limit that scales higher weights to match the maximum allowed weight value. I've messed around with every possible combination of multiplying by the content/style weights that I can think of, yet nothing seems to make a difference. The output only changes in a way similar to changing the -seed value.

For example, one of the outputs below was created with a normal self.strength multiplication, while the other used self.strength * self.strength:

For comparison, this is what -content_weight 5 and -style_weight 15000 looks like with neural_style.lua, at iteration 150:


The other thing is that the output doesn't seem to change over time in a similar way to neural_style.lua. It just continues to look like a slightly more stylized version of an output from the first couple hundred iterations of neural_style.lua, if that makes sense?

For the style scale feature, I have tested values of: 0.425, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 4.01. They all seem to work ok, but they also seem to have the same issue I described above (possibly to different extents, depending on the value). Occasionally, even when a seed value is specified, the output image will end up being all black. If you run the code again with the same parameters, it seems to work. No idea what is causing this random all black image (loss values don't change) thing.


It seems that the code works pretty much exactly like Neural-Style, if I use an -image_size of 256:

neural_style.lua with -normalize_gradients:

neural_style.lua without -normalize_gradients:

My PyTorch code without your normalize gradients code:

My PyTorch code with your normalize gradients code:

Both the Neural-Style and PyTorch tests used a -content_weight of 5, and a -style_weight of 15000. A two step multiscale resolution setup was used with -image_size 256, and then -image_size 512.

Using the PyTorch doe with a -content_weight of 5, and a -style_weight of 1000:

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

I should also add that for the first iteration, the content loss is normally zero, and then for the next 1-2 iterations, it's an extremely low value. Then after that, it acts normally like the style loss values.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

For the content/style weight issue, it seems as though there is some sort of limit that scales higher weights to match the maximum allowed weight value.

I wonder if some gradient clamping mechanism is at work there.

I should also add that for the first iteration, the content loss is normally zero, and then for the next 1-2 iterations, it's an extremely low value. Then after that, it acts normally like the style loss values.

That is to be expected if you start from the content image rather than noise. From the gist (which is not up to date I realise) I see you have the param init, with default 'random' but here https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/0a4624bd5c06fe72bf7995bcec03b67e#file-sts2_4-py-L285 you always start with the content image.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

This is the result of -init random. Different content and style weights have the same issue with -init random. I think it may have been working a bit differently before, but even then it still didn't seem to show anything from the content image:

Multiscale resolution with -init_image works, but seems to suffer from the same content/style weight issue to a certain extent:

Here's the updated code with -init_image, and -init random working: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/4cbd29112c9c4e44c13918246df618fb

I wonder if some gradient clamping mechanism is at work there.

I wonder if there is some sort of intentional or unintentional difference between Torch and PyTorch which is causing this "clamping", or if it's due to some sort of bug in my code or in PyTorch? I have been trying to figure this issue out for a while, but I have gotten nowhere.

It may prove useful to construct some sort of simple script which replicates the issue, so that we can more easily track what is happening. This would also allow us to more easily report a potential bug.

I also tried to go use backwards hooks again, to solve the content/style weight problem, with this: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/1c76fb86bea5c113cd974dffa6bc1b0d, and while the hooks did result in some possibly better looking outputs, they didn't seem to solve the issue.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

This is the result of -init random. Different content and style weights have the same issue with -init random. I think it may have been working a bit differently before, but even then it still didn't seem to show anything from the content image:

Sounds like the content target might be captured from noise and not the content image. Could be something else also. There are many more ways to go wrong than right.

I wonder if there is some sort of intentional or unintentional difference between Torch and PyTorch which is causing this "clamping", or if it's due to some sort of bug in my code or in PyTorch?

I had in mind, for instance, how the pytorch neural-style tutorial clamps the values between 0 and 1 to keep the pixel values in range, if something like that would have sneaked into your code.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

I had in mind, for instance, how the pytorch neural-style tutorial clamps the values between 0 and 1 to keep the pixel values in range, if something like that would have sneaked into your code.

I don't think that's the issue, as clamping only occurs is in the save function here, and (unavoidably) in the image loader here, with this line:

 Loader = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(image_size), transforms.ToTensor()])  # resize and convert to tensor

However I correct the input tensor values immediately after using transforms.ToTensor(), with:

tensor = Loader(image) * 255

I ran some tests to track the img value inside the feval function of both neural_style.lua, and my PyTorch code. It looks like Neural-Style has negative values while my PyTorch code doesn't, which could mean the "clamping" is related to how my PyTorch code treats negative and positive values.





htoyryla commented 6 years ago

I don't see any clamping happening here, just image resize and conversion to Tensor (which does not change pixel values):

Loader = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(image_size), transforms.ToTensor()])  # resize and convert to tensor

However this line is suspect:

Normalize = transforms.Compose([transforms.Normalize(mean=[-103.939, -116.779, -123.68], std=[1,1,1]) ]) # Subtract BGR

This means that, in addition to subtracting the mean, the deviation of values is compressed which should not be done for the original VGG model.

BTW, it is not obvious what your curves mean. You say it is the image value, but an image is a 3D tensor, so what does the curve show.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

BTW, I downloaded your gist and jcjohnson's VGG19 port, which you are also using at least judging from the default model name, but got an _pickle.UnpicklingError: unpickling stack underflow when the code was loading the model. Didn't have the time to investigate.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

@htoyryla I haven't seen a pickle error in relation to the script before. I've been using the pip version of PyTorch via pip:

pip install http://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu90/torch-0.3.1-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl 
pip install torchvision 

If the issue was caused by the model issue with jcjohnson's VGG19 port, then this script will fix the issues in addition to downloading the models: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/8fba74ed24062641bfa263954397c599

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this info... will try it. Now the problem is not in the model, however, because the model is not even getting unpickled. Looks very much like the file would be truncated... will try again tomorrow. Perhaps directly with this fix script.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

BTW, it is not obvious what your curves mean. You say it is the image value, but an image is a 3D tensor, so what does the curve show.

Sorry, I should have labeled the graphs properly. The torch.sum() function was used on the 3D img tensors in order to turn them into a single value.

For example in Python:

print("img - feval: " + str(torch.sum(img.clone().data)))`

In Lua/Torch it looks like this:

    a = "img - feval: "
    a  = a .. torch.sum(img)

The x-axis is the number of iterations, and y-axis is the sum of the img tensor.


However this line is suspect:

Normalize = transforms.Compose([transforms.Normalize(mean=[-103.939, -116.779, -123.68], std=[1,1,1]) ]) # Subtract BGR

This means that, in addition to subtracting the mean, the deviation of values is compressed which should not be done for the original VGG model.

I know that the Caffe VGG models didn't have and standard deviation pre-processing, but transforms.Normalize requires std values. However looking at how transforms.Normalize works, a value of 1 for the std seems like it work do nothing:

input[channel] = (input[channel] - mean[channel]) / std[channel]

Source: http://pytorch.org/docs/master/torchvision/transforms.html#transforms-on-torch-tensor

Second Edit:

Subtracting the mean pixel in neural_style.lua makes the torch.sum of img in the preprocess function, negative:

img:add(-1, mean_pixel)

But the values inside the tensor remain between -255 and 255.

Following after leongatys's PytorchNeuralStyleTransfer, I tried to use this to replicate Neural-Style's preprocessing:

Normalize = transforms.Compose([transforms.Normalize(mean=[-103.939, -116.779, -123.68], std=[1,1,1]) ]) # Subtract BGR
tensor = Normalize(tensor

But that results in in values of 0 to 255+, and not -255 to 255 like in neural_style.lua.

Also, this line in neural_style.lua, produces tensor values with decimals, while converting the [0-1] values inside the tensor, into [0-255] values:

 img = img:index(1, perm):mul(256.0)

Multiplying by 255 in Pytorch does not produce any decimals, just [0-255] values:

tensor = tensor * 255

But multiplying by 256 does produce negative values like in neural_style.lua.

Third Edit:

I think I had my pre-processing and de-processing transforms.Normalize values mixed up. The output image results are looking a lot better now. The torch.sum values in thefeval function now match neural_style.lua.

It also appears that there is an improvement now with the content/style weight issue. Changing the style/content weight now results in different outputs in the later iterations.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

The torch.sum() function was used on the 3D img tensors in order to turn them into a single value.

OK. I usually use mean and std, or min and max, to monitor how the values in tensors behave.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

Yes, I think I had the pytorch normalize transform mixed up, I was thinking that the std params specify the target std instead of the current std (to get a normalized std). Good you found a way forward, anyway.

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

Comparing my latest PyTorch code with neural_style.lua, shows that the same level of stylization is achieved, in both scripts when the same content and style weights are used:

The Neural-Style command used:

th neural_style.lua -image_size 512 -content_image examples/inputs/tubingen.jpg -style_image examples/inputs/starry_night_google.jpg -gpu 0 -content_layers relu4_2 -style_layers relu1_1,relu2_1,relu3_1,relu4_1,relu5_1 -save_iter 50 -print_iter 25 -content_weight 5 -style_weight 15000 -seed 876 -tv_weight 0 -init image

The PyTorch command used:

python sts2_4.py -image_size 384 -content_image examples/inputs/tubingen.jpg -style_image examples/inputs/starry_night_google.jpg -gpu 0 -content_layers relu4_2 -style_layers relu1_1,relu2_1,relu3_1,relu4_1,relu5_1 -save_iter 50 -print_iter 25 -content_weight 5 -style_weight 15000 -seed 876 -tv_weight 0 -init image

However the gradient normalization in the PyTorch code is not working, and the total variance denoising is working, but it's not the same as neural_style.lua's TV weight.

Here's the updated code: https://gist.github.com/ProGamerGov/89973941721107f0bf713edfcfb467cf

ProGamerGov commented 6 years ago

For the total variation denoising, the current implementation's results in some color related issues.

-tv_weight 0.1:

-tv_weight 1:

As for gradient normalization this is what is looks like in Neural-Style:

The control test is on the left, and the test with -normalize_gradients is on the right

This command was used to generate the above examples (with/without -normalize_gradients):

th neural_style.lua -image_size 512 -content_image examples/inputs/tubingen.jpg -style_image examples/inputs/starry_night_google.jpg -gpu 0 -content_layers relu4_2 -style_layers relu1_1,relu2_1,relu3_1,relu4_1,relu5_1 -save_iter 50 -print_iter 25 -content_weight 5 -style_weight 15000 -seed 876 -tv_weight 0 -init image

Thus far, our attempts at gradient normalization haven't been able to replicate the "color outside the lines" effect that Neural-Style's gradient normalization has. So I don't have anything to compare these Neural-Style results with yet.

htoyryla commented 6 years ago

I had a look at your tvloss. If the input is c x h x w which I think is correct, your matrix slices here look strange:

input = input.view(C, H, W) self.x_diff = input[1:,:,:] - input[:-1,:,:] self.y_diff = input[:,1:,:] - input[:,:-1,:]

I think the ones and minus ones should be in the h and w dimensions, so that one compares adjadent pixels. Now the x_diff measures how different the R, G and B values are from each other. I guess you have copied some python code where an image is stored as h x w x c.