jckarter / clay

The Clay programming language
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call destructors before Object dealloc #468

Closed galchinsky closed 11 years ago

galchinsky commented 11 years ago

It obviously reduces amount of memory leaks. The only inherited from Object class that uses destructor is ValueHolder. ~ValueHolder() hasn't been called without this patch.

jckarter commented 11 years ago

The only change necessary should be to make Pointer invoke ~Object rather than dealloc.

galchinsky commented 11 years ago

I tried it first. This makes double delete happen. Virtual methods in destructors are not really virtual and destructors are called in reverse order. That's why calls virtual ~ANode() { ANode::dealloc(); }) + virtual ~Object() { Object::dealloc(); }) cause this:

::operator delete(this); //boom
jckarter commented 11 years ago

Of course, you're right. Looks good then.

galchinsky commented 11 years ago

ANode uses custom allocator, it can't be written so simply. But after writting custom delete it looks more concise.

galchinsky commented 11 years ago

Isn't this the issue why destructors in evaluator are not called? I see the FIXME line

    // FIXME: call clay 'destroy'
jckarter commented 11 years ago

@galchinsky, @stepancheg is right that delete this is exactly equivalent to calling the destructor then operator delete. ANode handles its custom deallocator by overriding dealloc, which is necessary because operator delete is not dynamically dispatched.

I'm not sure that the ValueHolder destructor is the right place to invoke evaluator destructors. It would be more consistent to invoke them on scope exit, as is done in runtime codegen.

galchinsky commented 11 years ago

I looked through stackoverflow before patching and found the reference to §12.5.7 of the standard.

"Since member allocation and deallocation functions are static they cannot be virtual. [Note: however, when the cast-expression of a delete-expression refers to an object of class type, because the deallocation function actually called is looked up in the scope of the class that is the dynamic type of the object, if the destructor is virtual, the effect is the same."

operator delete is dinamically dispatched when called from virtual destructor . I checked it using printf.

jckarter commented 11 years ago

I didn't know that, thanks! Guess i still have some lingering brain damage from pre-standard c++ implementations.

galchinsky commented 11 years ago

Mmm. Pull? Anyone?