jclarke0000 / MMM-MyWeather

Upgraded weather forecast module using WeatherUnderground
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Hourly updates only doesn't work for me #5

Closed martinkooij closed 6 years ago

martinkooij commented 6 years ago

Dear Author.

I want a more compact weatherforecast, and I'd happily sacrifice daily forecast and only have 3 or 4 hourly forecasts. But when I put daily: "0" (yes and still also hourly: "1") all forecasts disappear, the daily and the hourly. Can I help you debug? What is happening?

        config: {
            apikey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', // private; don't share!
            pws: 'pws:IZUID-HO15', //Zoetermeer
            coloricon: false,
            fctext: '1',
            daily: "0", 
            fcdaycount: "4",
            fcdaystart: "1", 
            hourly: "1",
            hourlyinterval: "3",
            hourlycount: "4",
            alerttime: 86000,
            alerttruncatestring: "english:",
            roundTmpDecs: 1,
            UseCardinals: 0,
            layout: "horizontal",
            iconset: "flat_white",
            forecasttableheadertext: "Vooruitzicht",
            timeFormat: "kk[:00]",
            sysstat: 0,
            debug: "0"

This does not work, no forecast is shown. When I comment the daily: "0"" line, it works, but both hourly and daily is shown. I would like to get rid of the daily forecast completely.

jclarke0000 commented 6 years ago

This is fixed in v1.4.