jclouds / legacy-jclouds-cli

Apache License 2.0
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Travis build always fails #53

Closed gaul closed 11 years ago

gaul commented 11 years ago

As seen here: https://travis-ci.org/maginatics/jclouds-cli/builds/5785438

$ rake
rake aborted!
No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb)

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

The command "rake" exited with 1.

Done. Your build exited with 1.
nacx commented 11 years ago

You may need to add the .travis.yml file and configure it to build a Java project: http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/languages/java/

gaul commented 11 years ago

Not relevant any more.