jclulow / vtmc

Video Terminal Master of Ceremonies; a terminal-based presentation program
166 stars 13 forks source link

The screenshot isn't available #8

Open sskras opened 2 years ago

sskras commented 2 years ago

When I go to https://github.com/jclulow/vtmc#screenshot, I get this: image

This image URL is probably broken: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4f6c43219c19573e49c4cdb6eacc83b17e1065e244f9cc639ae198c91f9b5549/687474703a2f2f75732d656173742e6d616e74612e6a6f79656e742e636f6d2f6a6d632f7075626c69632f696d616765732f76746d632e706e67

Not sure where to look for the original.

sskras commented 1 year ago

It's still missing :)


But now I found out it's pointing here: http://us-east.manta.joyent.com/jmc/public/images/vtmc.png

Which says:

$ curl -s http://us-east.manta.joyent.com/jmc/public/images/vtmc.png
{"code":"AccountDoesNotExist","message":"jmc does not exist"}