jcmgray / quimb

A python library for quantum information and many-body calculations including tensor networks.
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GPU accleration #107

Closed yuxuanzhang1995 closed 2 years ago

yuxuanzhang1995 commented 2 years ago

Quick question: Is there an option for GPU acceleration with torch when running optimizations (TNOptimizer)? How much speedup can be expected with, say a pro GPU, like Nvidia A100? Thanks in advance

jcmgray commented 2 years ago

You should be able to specify TNOptimizer(..., device='cuda'), or if you want to handle at a higher level maybe:


The speedups can be very good for tensor network computations, but it depends a lot essentially on how linear algebra intense the loss function is, and how large the tensors are:

jax generally achieves the best performance on GPU, but it takes super-linear time to compile the computational graph, so is sadly often unfeasible.

yuxuanzhang1995 commented 2 years ago

So does this mean that, if I have a huge tensor network of small SU(4) tensors (say, the ladder structure), the performance might be worse?

jcmgray commented 2 years ago

Its the size of tensors throughout the computation that matters - in general even if you start with lots of small tensors there will be some big intermediate contractions that dominate things, in which case you will get savings.

You can also jit compile torch code, which you would expect to be most beneficial when there are many small operations, but its all a bit hard to predict performance wise - worth just to do a few tests e.g. on colab if you don't have gpu access. And profile things!

yuxuanzhang1995 commented 2 years ago

I see, thanks! A related question: is there an optimization method that performs significantly better (or specifically designed) for torch? Also, is it true that torch only supports real numbers (so that you can't really use it for the 'circ.apply_gate' setting?

jcmgray commented 2 years ago

I see, thanks! A related question: is there an optimization method that performs significantly better (or specifically designed) for torch?

The optimizer (which defaults to scipy) is completely decoupled from the gradient calculation (the bit done with torch etc), so not really. Currently its always performed on the cpu for two reasons:

  1. the scipy optimizer requires numpy arrays and often specifically 'float64'
  2. In TN calcs usually the number of parameters is often very small compared to the actual intermediate calculation, unlike neural networks etc, so manipulating these is usually very fast

If you had some TN model with a lot of time spent in the optimizer rather than gradient calc then one could think about implementing some optimizers (e.g. the adam method would be very easy to change) that don't map back to numpy arrays, in which optimizer and autodiff_backend would no longer be completely decoupled.

Also, is it true that torch only supports real numbers (so that you can't really use it for the 'circ.apply_gate' setting?

I don't think its true anymore, recent versions support autodiffing complex numbers through many operations including contraction I believe. See docs the section here, but note its marked as a 'beta' feature and so subject to breaking changes.

yuxuanzhang1995 commented 2 years ago

Cool. I've been playing with large tensor networks and GPU does seem to help a lot. However, Sometimes I ran into this error: 'maximum supported dimension for an ndarray is 32, found 34'. It seems to be an internal limitation to numpy -- is there a way to fix it/get around of it?

jcmgray commented 2 years ago

If you're dealing with exact contraction then the answer is probably sliced conctraction, as provided by cotengra. Something like:

import cotengra as ctg

opt = ctg.ReusableHyperOptimizer(
    slicing_reconf_opts={'target_size': 2**30},

# find a sliced contraction tree
tree = tn.contraction_tree(opt, output_inds=output_inds)

# at this point you might want to check 
# so that you are not waiting e.g. millennia

# perform the contraction using cotengra
x = tree.contract(tn.arrays)

This is all pretty newly developed functionality and thus not tightly integrated or well documented yet I'm afraid.

yuxuanzhang1995 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the help!