jcmgray / quimb

A python library for quantum information and many-body calculations including tensor networks.
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using QAOA circuit to find optimal solution for TSP in QUIMB #170

Closed Next-di-mension closed 1 year ago

Next-di-mension commented 1 year ago

What is your issue?

Hi, I wanted to construct a QAOA circuit for Traveling Salesman Problem using QUIMBs built-in function circ_qaoa. But the function does not contain the external magnetic field term or the linear term (h_i \sigma_z_i). Is there a way to construct the QAOA circuit for such problem?

jcmgray commented 1 year ago

Hi @Next-di-mension, the circ_qaoa function is pretty simple, if you look at the source and also have a reference for the desired circuit, then you should be able adapt it to construct the quimb circuit quite easily.

Next-di-mension commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply. I modified the circ_qaoa circuit a bit, here is the modified code:

for d in range(depth):
        for (i, j), wij in terms.items():
            gates.append((d, 'rzz', wij * gammas[d], i, j))

       for i, hi in diag_terms.items():
            gates.append((d, 'rz', hi* gammas[d], i))

        for i in range(n):
            gates.append((d, 'rx', -betas[d] * 2, i))

here I added the diagonal terms/ external magnetic field term h_i \sigma_z_i terms. Is this correct modification?

jcmgray commented 1 year ago

I don't know what the actual circuit is, do you have a reference? But yes that adds essentially a per site z-field (which the QAOA ansatz exponentiates into a rotation).

Next-di-mension commented 1 year ago

@jcmgray thanks for the reply. First I converted the TSP objective function to QUBO and then to ising hamiltonian. My Hamiltonian is of this form: -1282.5 * IIIIIIIIZ- 1282.5 * IIIIIIIZI- 1282.5 * IIIIIIZII- 1268.5 * IIIIIZIII- 1268.5 * IIIIZIIII- 1268.5 * IIIZIIIII- 1290.0 * IIZIIIIII- 1290.0 *IZIIIIIII- 1290.0 * ZIIIIIIII+ 606.5 * IIIIIIIZZ+ 606.5 * IIIIIIZIZ+ 606.5 * IIIIIIZZI+ 606.5 * IIIIIZIIZ +... so on + constant. This is a 3-city problem that requires 9 qubits. I also have one constant term in the hamiltonian. so with the above modified circuit, I optimized the tensor network and I got some values of $\gamma$ and $\beta$.

For energy evaluation, I modified the energy(x) function as follows:

def energy(x):
    p = len(x) // 2
    gammas = x[:p]
    betas = x[p:]
    circ = circuit_qaoa(graph,diag_terms, p, gammas, betas)

    ZZ = qu.pauli('Z') & qu.pauli('Z')
    Z = qu.pauli('Z')
    ens = [
        circ.local_expectation(weight * ZZ, edge, optimize=opt)
        for edge, weight in graph.items()
    ens_diag = [circ.local_expectation(weight * Z, cite, optimize=opt)
        for cite, weight in diag_terms.items()
    return sum(ens).real + sum(ens_diag).real

but when i use the code

from collections import Counter

# sample it 1000 times, count results:

to sample the solution strings, it is not giving the correct result.

jcmgray commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid I can only really help with quimb specific implementation things. Maybe some things to troubleshoot:

Next-di-mension commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply.

I'll check these two things. Just one thing, the energy(x) function defined in optimizing QAOA circuit energy for MAXCUT sums up the local_expectation of pauliZZ terms present in the hamiltonian of MAXCUT. If I extrapolate this point, does summing up the local expectations of all the gates present in the cost hamiltonian of a particular problem, here say TSP will give me ground state energy?

Next-di-mension commented 1 year ago

Hi, also if you look at the QAOA ansatz, it is something like this:

$|{\bar{\gamma}, \bar{\beta}}\rangle = U_B (\beta _p)U_C (\gamma _p) \cdots U_B (\beta _1) U_C (\gamma _1) |{+}\rangle$


$UC (\gamma) = e^{-i \gamma \mathcal{C}} = \prod \limits{i, j \in E(G)} e^{-i \gamma w_{i j} Z_i Z_j}$


$UB (\beta) = \prod \limits{i \in G} e^{-i \beta X_i}$

here in the code, shouldn't there be a factor of 2 and a negative sign in rzz term, like it's there in rx term?

for d in range(depth):
        for (i, j), wij in terms.items():
            gates.append((d, 'rzz', wij * gammas[d], i, j))

        for i in range(n):
            gates.append((d, 'rx', -betas[d] * 2, i))
jcmgray commented 1 year ago

I'll check these two things. Just one thing, the energy(x) function defined in optimizing QAOA circuit energy for MAXCUT sums up the local_expectation of pauliZZ terms present in the hamiltonian of MAXCUT. If I extrapolate this point, does summing up the local expectations of all the gates present in the cost hamiltonian of a particular problem, here say TSP will give me ground state energy?

I'm not totally sure what you mean by extrapolate. But in general if you have hamiltonian of terms like: $$H = \sum_i h_i$$ the energy of a given state (e.g. a quantum circuit) with respect to it is $$\langle\psi|H|\psi\rangle = \langle\psi|\sum_i h_i|\psi\rangle = \sum_i\langle\psi| h_i|\psi\rangle$$ This only gives the ground state energy if $\psi$ is the exact groundstate, which for a circuit requires A) that the circuit is expressive enough, and B) that it has been fully optimized. For up to 20-30 qubits you can generally find the exact (i.e. an explicit vector rather than a circuit) groundstate via diagonalization, which is a useful check I was referring to above.

shouldn't there be a factor of 2 and a negative sign in rzz term, like it's there in rx term?

Currently the way rzz is defined in quimb is with that 2x already inside, whereas the rx, ry, rz gates don't have it... this is an unsatisfactory inconsistency (that would be good to change at some point), but it does mean the QAOA circuit as written is correct.

Next-di-mension commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your reply, I was not aware of diagonalization. This gives a clearer picture!

by extrapolate I mean if I have the Hamiltonian like:

$H$ = $\sum_i h_izi + \sum J{ij} z_i z_j + c$

if I want to find the expectation value of $H$ w.r.t $\ket{\psi}$ then it will be like:

$\bra{\psi}H\ket{\psi} = \sum_i h_i\bra{\psi}zi\ket{\psi} + \sum J{ij}\bra{\psi}z_iz_j\ket{\psi} + c \bra{\psi}z_iz_j\ket{\psi}$

So here I can use the local_expecation to calculate each z and zz term expectation value.

jcmgray commented 1 year ago

Yes, quantum mechanics is linear like this. When I wrote $\sum_i h_i$ above (which I didn't mean to confuse with the single field coefficients, sorry for the clash of notation) I meant each term $h_i$ can itself be an arbitrary operator.

I'll just note in the specific example you gave that if you meant $+c$ simply as a constant offset then the relevant expectation is $c \langle \psi | \mathbf{I} | \psi \rangle = c \langle \psi | \psi \rangle = c$ from normalization, and does not involve $zz$ terms.

Next-di-mension commented 1 year ago

Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out, It was a typo.