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A python library for quantum information and many-body calculations including tensor networks.
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SpinHam1D PBC #212

Open gerardPlanella opened 7 months ago

gerardPlanella commented 7 months ago

What happened?


How can you define a Hamiltonian for an MPS with PBC using the SpinHam1D class? If you try to do this you get the error:

`NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last) c:\Users\gerar\OneDrive\Documents\AI\QGNN\src\QGNN\baselines\beliefpropagation\tn_simple_update.ipynb Cell 9 line 6 62 # Add the interaction term and consider cyclic term 63 if J_ab != 0 and (abs(a - b) == 1 or (data[idx].pbc and (abs(a - b) == n[0] - 1))): ---> 64 ham_builder[a, b] += J_ab * 4, 'Z', 'Z' 65 ham_builder[b, a] += J_ab * 4, 'Z', 'Z' 70 ham_local_2 = ham_builder.build_mpo(n[0])

File ***\lib\site-packages\quimb\tensor\tensor_builder.py:3591, in SpinHam1D.getitem(self, sites) 3589 i, j = sorted(sites) 3590 if j - i != 1: -> 3591 raise NotImplementedError("Can only add nearest neighbour terms.") 3593 return _TermAdder(self.var_two_site_terms.get(sites, None), 2)

NotImplementedError: Can only add nearest neighbour terms.`

The problem comes from adding the interaction term from the first and last particle due to the PBC (in the library's code it checks for neighbors with the condition a - b != 1 while it should be abs(a - b) != 1 and (PBC and (abs(a - b) != NumParticles - 1)))). Is there a workaround? I need to instantiate my Hamiltonian with this class to create an MPO and thus use DRMG. The limitation with defining an MPO directly is the lack of fully customizable Hamiltonians.

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jcmgray commented 7 months ago

Is this using SpinHam1D(S=S, cyclic=True)? I guess currently it only handles translationally invariant hamiltonians, but could be modified quite easily.

It's might be a little more complicated than just removing that guard however, as PBC MPOs need special boundary conditions and can be a little hard to reason about.

gerardPlanella commented 7 months ago

Exactly, I tried removing the guard to check if it worked but it is not that simple.