jcmoraisjr / press-sdk

PressObjects SDK is MVP and OPF frameworks for desktop applications
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[Feature] assign MVP Presenters to TabSheets... #19

Closed jcmoraisjr closed 11 years ago

jcmoraisjr commented 11 years ago

Converted from SourceForge issue 2073049, submitted by webcss

...not solely to forms.

jcmoraisjr commented 11 years ago

Submitted by jcmoraisjr

Logged In: YES user_id=1084635 Originator: NO

The form presenter act as an owner of the control, instead of a parent. What are you trying to accomplish that you cannot do with the current approach?

jcmoraisjr commented 11 years ago

Submitted by webcss

Logged In: YES user_id=2181909 Originator: YES

You mean, I can assign different presenters to the same form? what if I want to display, say product data, customers and orders on a PageControl, each on its own tab? Is it then possible to use some kind of hybrid, e.g. a grid to browse a list and the detail underneath the grid?

It's a little confusing....

jcmoraisjr commented 11 years ago

Submitted by jcmoraisjr

Logged In: YES user_id=1084635 Originator: NO

Now I see. You need a way to inform another business object for some controls, including a way to inform that the BO comes from the actual position of a container (ie master/detail).

jcmoraisjr commented 11 years ago

Submitted by webcss

Logged In: YES user_id=2181909 Originator: YES

exactly. for now, as it occurs to me, one is bound to drilldown-design. And from what i've tried, you can assign only one presenter to a form, so presenting different data on one form on a pagecontrol does not work.

jcmoraisjr commented 11 years ago

Submitted by jcmoraisjr

Logged In: YES user_id=1084635 Originator: NO

Nice feature, but not so simple to implement. Acknowledged, and I'll give it a try. Do monitor this FR item in order to be notified when it is implemented.

jcmoraisjr commented 11 years ago

Submitted by jcmoraisjr

Implemented, there is a sample usage in the phonebook demo.