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hamburger menu selector - not working #37

Closed jcockroft64 closed 2 years ago

jcockroft64 commented 2 years ago

I noticed on my cellphone and on the desktop, the hamburger menu selector does not activate. On the cell phone, it is the only way to bring up the menu selection ... but it doesn't work.

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Here's what I found: Github issue: https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/illdy/issues/311 Info article: https://news.thewindowsclub.com/wordpress-5-5-update-breaking-wp-plugins-102282/ Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-jquery-migrate-helper/

According to the info article, you need to download the "Enable jQuery Migrate Helper" to fix a number of issues present after updating to WordPress version 5.5 (we are currently on version 6.0.1). “With the update to WordPress 5.5, a migration tool known as jquery-migrate will no longer be enabled by default. This may lead to unexpected behaviors in some themes or plugins who run older code. This plugin serves as a temporary solution, enabling the migration script for your site to give your plugin and theme authors some more time to update, and test, their code.”

The plugin in question has been tested up to Wordpress version 6.0.1, so there shouldn't be any problems there.

You can find the current WordPress version by scrolling to the very bottom of the admin page: https://www.sierrahiking.net/wp-admin/index.php

I'll download the plugin and see if it solves the issue.

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Update: That didn't seem to work (yet??). Hamburger menu is still not clickable.

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

The next best idea in my eyes is to have a new hamburger menu via a plugin. Here's what I found

WP Mobile Menu

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVAGf0NhNBY

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/mobile-menu/

Info site: https://www.wpmobilemenu.com/ Demos: https://www.wpmobilemenu.com/demos/

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

There is a setting called "Mobile Menu Visibility(Width Trigger)" that triggers the hamburger menus. This controls when the hamburger menus appear. Currently it's set to 1024, so they appear when the screen is less than or equal to 1024px wide. You mentioned that you want it to only display on mobile devices.

I set this to 767px to match the breakpoint discussed in issue #15.

I do notice that when the the mobile menu appears, the center header text disappears. Also, the desktop header seems to disappear when the screen is less than 1024px wide.

The desktop navigation bar belongs to the div "header-navigation-wrapper". The inactive desktop hamburger icon belongs to the div "header-widgets-wrapper"

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

The inactive hamburger menu is now hidden. Here is the CSS:

/*Inactive Hamburger Menu*/
    display:none !important;

Added to global site CSS; see #11

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Progress on making desktop navbar visible when the screen is at least 767px wide. Can't seem to det it to be always visible, but I think I got the CSS classes down.

/*Desktop navigation bar*/
@media only screen and (min-width: 767px) {
    .navbar .header-inner{
        visibility: visible !important;
        display: flex !important;

When I do display: none, the navbar disappears, so I know I got the right classes down. HTe issue is making the navbar always visible until the screen is less than 767px wide.

Added to global site CSS; see https://github.com/jcockroft64/sierrahiking/issues/11

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Interesting thing I noticed: when the screen is less than or equal to 1024, the data-elementor-device-mode changes from "desktop" to "tablet". When the width is less than 767px, it changes to "mobile". The desktop navbar disappears in "tablet" mode and the mobile navbar and hamburger menus appear in "mobile" mode.







Custom Navbar CSS I tried setting data-elementor-device in the custom CSS I made as well. I first tried putting it in the inital CSS I made. I noticed data-elementor-device was part of the body tag so I tried making custom CSS for that as well. Neither worked.

    data-elementor-device-mode:"desktop" !important;

Visiblity Adjustments I searched up "wordpress set data-elementor-device-mode" and clicked the first result: Website: https://elementor.com/help/mobile-editing/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqFxeluk4U4 The video went over several topics, with "Hide and Show Elements on Different Devices".

Click element, go to Advanced -> Responsive to specify if you want an element to be hidden on certain device.

This doesn't work for the navbar however, as it's not a clickable element on the Wordpress page.

Adjusting Breakpoints I then tried adjusting the tablet breakpoint.

I found this question asked on the WordPress support forums: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/top-bar-menu-disappears-on-mobile/

They suggest changing the device breakpoints. From there, I could adjust the breakpoints. According to another WordPress forum, there is no option to remove given brekpoints, so adjsuting them is the next best option: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/turn-off-breaking-point/

Here's a video about adjusting device breakpoints: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1yTLQ9R-Yw

From the Elementor Editor, click the hamburger menu in the upper left of the widget panel. Go to Site Settings -> Layout. Then, go down to the "Breakpoints" section. From there, you can adjust the breakpoints for mobile and tablet.

Tutorial: https://wpbuilt.co/tutorials/how-to-change-the-tablet-and-mobile-breakpoints-in-elementor/

I tried adjusting the breakpoint so it would be less than the mobile device breakpoint, but that doesn't seem to work. I can certainly enter custom values for it, but I can't bring the breakpoint below a certain point.

Editing the Theme File Then, I went into the dashboard and went to "Appearance" -> Theme File Editor". It will give you a popup so just accept that. From there, you are entered into "style.css". I tried looking for some area where the breakpoints are stored, but I can't seem to find it.

Elementor Custom Code From the Dashboard, go to Elementor -> Custom Code. There you can enter custom code in the head or body (top or bottom). More Info: https://elementor.com/help/custom-code-pro/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6J-TvEXGLY

You can also modify where this code is applied. https://elementor.com/help/custom-code-pro/

I tried adding this text by itself: data-elementor-device-mode = "desktop" That didn't work. All it does is adds the text "data-elementor-device-mode = "desktop"" to the top of the page.

I consulted the tutorial video. Seems like the custom code is HTML. So, I tried this instead:

        data-elementor-device-mode:"desktop" !important;

Still doesn't work. I tried adding it to the head. Still doesn't work.

There is a priority setting for the custom code. I had it set to 1 (highest priority).

Using a Script Consulted Stack OVerflow for how to change the class of the body. Perhaps this can aid in changing the view from tablet to desktop. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4397289/javascript-fastest-way-to-remove-a-class-from-body https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/javascript/document.queryselector+body

document.querySelectorAll('[property]'); // All with attribute named "property"
document.querySelectorAll('[property="value"]'); // All with "property" set to "value" exactly.
//Pretend there is a <p> with class "example"
const myParagraph = document.querySelector('.example');
//You can do many this with is
myParagraph.textContent = 'This is my new text';

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/setAttributeExamples In the following example, setAttribute() is used to set attributes on a

jcockroft64 commented 2 years ago

I haven't read through your above comments yet, but I have a few thoughts here:

jcockroft64 commented 2 years ago

I've didn't define this bug correctly :( Our main problem that our menus are not working well on mobile and tablet. I watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndh4raUtueQ. It made think that the Inspiro (theme) header isn't working for us the way we want. I'm almost ready to suggest that we should build our own header instead of using the Theme one.

Note that the Hiking Page and the About page has two mobile menus (left and right), and Discussion, Favorites, Pre and Planning, Events, Afflications, Terms of Use and Security has no mobile menus. I suspect those basic pages (eg Events), has no header definition. Maybe Elementor wiped it out.

jcockroft64 commented 2 years ago

To be clear, here is the bug definition:

  1. In mode mode, on the Hiking Page and the About page, we are seeing two menus despite having turned off in the left-menu in the Theme.
  2. In Tablet mode, we are seeing no menus at all.
jcockroft64 commented 2 years ago

I commented this out on Saturday and re-established it on Sunday: /Inactive Hamburger Menu / .header-widgets-wrapper{ display:none !important; }

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

I followed some tutorials and made a dynamic header and footer for the site.

The header turns into a hamburger menu when the screen size is smaller than 767px. I have it set up so the left section is the site's logo to which clicking on it leads the use back to the homepage.

According to the tutorial for making a header, some themes automatically delete the site's footer when a new header is made. So, I went ahead and made a new footer, which turns into a hamburger menu like the header.

How To Make A Mobile Menu Header On Elementor Pro | Responsive Header https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndh4raUtueQ

Header and Footer Builder in Elementor https://elementor.com/blog/header-footer-builder/

How to Make a Header in Elementor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDePkL-1tu4

How to Make a Footer in Elementor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob7SMEfVRfc

For publishing the header add footer, click “Publish”, and under the Conditions, set it to “Include Entire Site”.

An issue I see is that the header isn't merged into the hero image like the old header was. Gonna look into that.

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Update; the header is now integrated into the hero section of the page. To do this, set the bottom margin of the header to -1*[height of header]

Here's a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9vnx6TZp2E

In our case, the header is 66px tall, so I set the bottom margin to -66px.

Without Site Icon

I set the z margin to 10 so the header is in front of everything else.

Also replaced the site icon with a button because the site icon took up a lot of space, especially on mobile.

Will also adjust the header link colors so they have better contrast against the blue sky of the hiking page hero image.

Also, the hero image on the homepage seemed to have disappeared (unless that was already removed).

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Changed the nav menu text color Tutorial: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/change-navigation-menu-text-color/ CSS Format:

.menu-item a{
    color:#444444 !important;

This code was added to the Elementor Global CSS. Tutorial outlined in #11

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Deleted "home" button I made; not very useful.

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Deactivated the WP Mobile Menu Plugin as we no longer need it. Our menu becomes a hamburger menu on mobile so users can easily access other pages.

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Styling Applied to the Website Yesterday

Changed site background color Elementor -> Site Settings -> Background Background Color: #dfdfdf

Header and Footer font color changed Tutorial: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/change-navigation-menu-text-color/ CSS Format:

.menu-item a{
    color:#ffffff !important;

This code was added to the Elementor Global CSS. Tutorial outlined in https://github.com/jcockroft64/sierrahiking/issues/11

Margin of header dropdown

Adjusted width of dropdown Advanced -> Width
Width: inline auto

Footer not a hamburger Templates -> Theme Builder Go to Footer, change “Breakpoint” to None

Edit Header Background Color and Border Style -> Dropdown -> Background Color Background color: b9b9b9 Active background color: b9ccb9

Style -> Dropdown -> Border

Navbar position: Absolute

Make Navbar on the Right Toggle Align: Right

Changed Active Color of Tabs for Hiking Page Style -> Tab Active Color: #459F45

Changed width of the nav menu on mobile Advanced -> Width: Custom Custom Width: 140px

Hiking Day Icon Position Altered To do this, change the top offset

russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Update: Centered the navbar on desktop and tablet.

To do this, go to the header editor by going into Template -> Theme Builder. Go into the header, select the navbar, and go into advanced. At the very bottom is an area where you can apply custom CSS to that element. For the CSS, I made the header div have a 100% width, which makes the content at the center of the page, as the content of the nav menu is center-aligned.

As for the CSS, "selector" is used to apply CSS to a given wrapper element.

CSS I used:

@media only screen and (min-width: 767px) {
        width:100% !important;

This styling is reflected across all pages.

An issue that arises from this is that the text from the header clashes against the text of the page title. The Hiking Page isn't negatively affected, as the title is in a hero image and is already positioned lower than the centered header text.

Header Clashes with Page Title Text
russellelliott commented 2 years ago

Update: changed the top margin to 30px. This puts the header text away from the site title text on the top of the page CSS

@media only screen and (min-width: 767px) {
        width:100% !important;

Here's what a basic page looks like now

Header Text Lowered

More info on margin-top: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/margin-top

I also began making the master map page. Here is a link to it: https://www.sierrahiking.net/master-map/

jcockroft64 commented 2 years ago
