jconway / plr

PL/R - R Procedural Language for PostgreSQL
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Out arguments don't work: #2

Closed merlinm closed 11 years ago

merlinm commented 11 years ago

Returning a data through data.frame via an explicit composite type seems to work ok, but any function that used OUT variables seemed to fail with:

ERROR: proargnames must have the same number of elements as the function has arguments

That may be working as intended, but I though it's worth noting.

jconway commented 11 years ago

No one has ever asked and I just haven't had enough round tuits :-) But thanks for reminding me -- next update I'll see about adding this.


jconway commented 11 years ago

I just committed a patch for this.

sessler commented 10 years ago

Could You pls send the link to the patch, because I encountered the same problem. I cannot use composite type as the calling program interprets it as possible multi-row which is not allowed

jconway commented 10 years ago

Just grab the latest code here on github.