jconway / plr

PL/R - R Procedural Language for PostgreSQL
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xx/prl.dll,The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01 #29

Closed Ullix-xl closed 10 months ago

Ullix-xl commented 10 months ago

I'm following the instructions, but when i excute command: CREATE EXTENSION plr; I get following a message, ERROR :无法加载库 "E:/APPS/POSTgresql/15/lib/plr.dll": The specified module could not be found.SQL state: 58P01.
I'm sure plr.dll is there. I can't fix it, please help.

davecramer commented 10 months ago

the proper place to log this error is https://github.com/postgres-plr/plr but 9 times out of ten the issue is you do not have R installed

Ullix-xl commented 10 months ago

thanks you davecramer, R is installed. i excute R command : R.home(), I get this message: D:/Apps/R-4.2.3. I following installtion :https://github.com/postgres-plr/plr/blob/master/userguide.md#installation. but get this error

davecramer commented 10 months ago

please move this to the other repo