jcoreio / crater

Meteor/Webpack/React SSR app skeleton that runs your app code outside of Meteor Isobuild
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branch Webpack2: module parse failed #129

Closed Falieson closed 7 years ago

Falieson commented 7 years ago

Hi again jcoreio, Started off attempting the webpack2 branch which seems to be broken, the master branch seems to be solid though. I'm looking forward to trying out this repo. ~Falieson

=== Steps To Reproduce $ git checkout webpack2 $ npm i && npm start

=== Error ~/Demos/crater (webpack2)

Use NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin instead.

ERROR in ./~/meteor-imports-webpack-plugin/meteor-config.json
Module parse failed: /Users/florian/Code/Education/Demos/crater/node_modules/json-string-loader/index.js?json={"meteorProgramsFolder":"/Users/florian/Code/Education/Demos/crater/build/meteor/bundle/programs","injectMeteorRuntimeConfig":false,"exclude":["autoupdate","global-imports","hot-code-push","reload","ecmascript"]}!/Users/florian/Code/Education/Demos/crater/node_modules/meteor-imports-webpack-plugin/meteor-config.json Unexpected token (1:114)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| module.exports = {"meteorProgramsFolder":"/Users/florian/Code/Education/Demos/crater/build/meteor/bundle/programs"
 @ ./~/meteor-imports-webpack-plugin/meteor-imports.js 2:13-44
 @ ./src/client/index.js
 @ multi ./src/client/index.js react-hot-loader/patch webpack-hot-middleware/client
jedwards1211 commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the delay. This is a dupe of https://github.com/luisherranz/meteor-imports-webpack-plugin/issues/13 (crater relies on that library). I have a workaround I'll apply for the time being though

jedwards1211 commented 7 years ago

@Falieson everything should be fixed in this commit, I'm just waiting for it to pass...

jedwards1211 commented 7 years ago

@Falieson correction, now I'm fixing in the fix/webpack2/meteor-imports-webpack-plugin branch, and it's no longer a workaround but a real fix

jedwards1211 commented 7 years ago

okay, the webpack2 branch is now fixed

Falieson commented 7 years ago

Thanks! Will try it out soon.