jcowey / P3

This is now a collection point for the Papyrological Publishing Platform (P3). To be found here are the files which are used to produce articles in the journal Pylon.
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How are we going to do corr in gitlab #18

Open jcowey opened 1 year ago

jcowey commented 1 year ago


samosafuz commented 1 year ago

Leiden+ |corr| tags are used for scribal blunders and outright mistakes. They use the EpiDoc elements <sic> and <corr> for the incorrect and correct forms, respectively, e.g.: <choice><corr>τιμὴν</corr><sic>τμμὴν</sic></choice>. Correction is akin to regularization, but uses a different set of elements: regularization employs <reg> and <orig> instead of <sic> and <corr>, e.g.: <choice><reg>φρόντισον</reg><orig>φρόνδεισον</orig></choice>

When PN transforms correction, the form tagged with <sic> appears in the text, while the apparatus suggests that one should read (= l.) the form tagged <corr>. For the purposes of disambiguation, the apparatus distinguishes between regularization and correction by specifying (corr) in the case of the latter, e.g.: l. τιμὴν (corr)

I suggest we follow PN practice as closely as possible, and adapt the xslt used to create an apparatus entry in the case of regularization, such that it specifies (corr). I.e., where regularization uses the elements <reg> and <orig>, correction will use <corr> and <sic> and will also specify (corr) in the apparatus entry.

jcowey commented 1 year ago

At https://gitlab.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/verlag/PapyrologicalPublicationPlatform/-/blob/master/epidoc/Pylon_2_Sampson_PMich_15_686/sampson_pmich_15_686.xml#L1680

we have

<lb n="269" xml:id="ed1ln269"/><num value="1000">Α</num> <num value="9">θ</num> <num value="9000"><choice><corr>Θ</corr><sic>Α</sic></choice></num>


<num value="9000"><choice><corr>Θ</corr><sic>Α</sic></choice></num>

we say that A (<sic>Α</sic>) was written on the papyrus

but we need to correct that reading to Θ (<corr>Θ</corr>)

This is based on interpretative sense of the passage in question (not orthographic regularization).

At present https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/editionService/viewer/text/p3test/sampson_pmich_15_686#ed1ln269 displays correctly:

at present in the apparatus we have:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-14 um 14 47 49

We would like to see

In this way the transformation will mirror that of papyri.info

jcowey commented 1 year ago

See now: https://gitlab.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/verlag/PapyrologicalPublicationPlatform/-/issues/124