jcowey / P3

This is now a collection point for the Papyrological Publishing Platform (P3). To be found here are the files which are used to produce articles in the journal Pylon.
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Diplomatic transcriptions. #21

Open jcowey opened 1 year ago

jcowey commented 1 year ago

I had thought of using <quote type="edition"> for these. That gets rid of the "Edition" marker in heiEditions HTML.

I now prefer the idea of declaring the diplomatic transcript for what it is. I am imagining in greyed lettering

"Diplomatic transcription" or the like.

Am hoping that this should not involve to much reengineering. Use <div copyOf="#ed2" type="edition"/> in the XML; have the diplomatic transcription encoded in EpiDoc XML (as we have it for benaissa_annunciation); find out how the UB HD can display what we want to see - possible a subtype on the <div>

samosafuz commented 1 year ago

I agree that "Diplomatic transcription" is the optimal text to display in the article, in greyed lettering.

Managing the xml should not be unduly complicated. The most straightforward way, IMO, is to declare @type="edition" @subtype="diplomatic" in a <div> element, and to encode the diplomatic transcription in EpiDoc, as you suggest.

Drilling down from there, your first instinct, to use <quote type="edition"> is correct, IMO, for including the EpiDoc transcription within the article itself. That will simplify things: if we declare the diplomatic transcription in this way, there is no need to distinguish between #ed1 and #ed2 and to clutter up the xml file with a separate, largely redundant edition (which, in DCLP, will come with reduplicated metadata, too). Only the articulated version needs to be processed into a separate xml segment and to be called by #ed1, since only the articulated version will end up in PN.

The task for the UB will be to transform @subtype="diplomatic" like a typical edition, but with the modified header.

jcowey commented 1 year ago

One of the reasons that I would slightly prefer to keep the "sort of redundant" #ed1 is that the encoding of underdots is much more properly controlled. Fiddling with whitespace to get good display of underdots is something I would prefer to minimise.


samosafuz commented 1 year ago

Ok, so in practice what will happen for texts which include a diplomatic transcription is that both versions of the text get encoded and processed as separate EpiDoc XML segments (which is how I originally processed Amin's). Then, when we call them in Pylon, we do it as follows:

<div xml:id="ed1" xml:lang="grc" type="edition" subtype="diplomatic" xml:space="preserve">
<div xml:id="ed2" xml:lang="grc" type="edition" xml:space="preserve">

The task for the UB will be to adapt the XSLT to present "Diplomatic transcription", greyed out, as the section header for @subtype="diplomatic". NB: it will presumably appear in the navigation pane as a clickable element: one can jump directly to the Diplomatic transcription or to the Edition proper.

jcowey commented 1 year ago

The fact that it is a clickable element I find attractive. We are declaring for the user what the bits are and it is certainly conceivable that a future scholar may want to link to the diplomatic transcription in order to discuss it.

And yes we would be calling the text divs with an @copyOf

samosafuz commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's right: apologies. We call them in Pylon as follows:

<div copyOf="#ed1" type="edition" subtype="diplomatic"/>
<div copyOf="#ed2" type="edition"/>
<div copyOf="#trans1" type="translation"/>

This is much better: there's no need for @subtype="diplomatic" in the individual XML segment, but only when we call it via @copyOf.

jcowey commented 1 year ago

See now: https://gitlab.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/verlag/PapyrologicalPublicationPlatform/-/issues/120