jcowey / P3

This is now a collection point for the Papyrological Publishing Platform (P3). To be found here are the files which are used to produce articles in the journal Pylon.
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pylonFormatting.xsl (version 1.1) #28

Closed samosafuz closed 2 months ago

samosafuz commented 2 months ago

This file is a second attempt at automating via XSLT various basic changes that are necessary following the conversion to XML of a .docx accepted for publication in Pylon. Comments within the file describe these changes, but I list them here, as well, for the sake of reference.

NB: this XSLT no longer duplicates the <div> of a text edition (with @subtype="Pylon" and @subtype="PN"), as v. 1.0 did. It is easier to add the necessary markup for heiEDITIONS XML at this phase, and then remove it via XSLT for transfer to papyri.info.

samosafuz commented 2 months ago

Made a further update to transpose ref[not(@*)] from within div[@type='commentary']/note/p, to become a sibling of p.