jcowey / P3

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ClaytorSmithWarga: cited / quoted lines from existing text #6

Open jcowey opened 2 years ago

jcowey commented 2 years ago

In relation to the following section of a PDF of the article:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-10-15 um 15 37 06

Instead of what we have at present at: https://github.com/jcowey/P3/blob/master/pylon/testFiles/ClaytorSmithWarga/ClaytorSmithWarga_FourPoll_TaxReceiptsTrial_4.xml

 <p xml:id="p76">   The editor of P.Mil. 12.9 gives the following for ll. 2-4 (see Fig. 1 for line 3):</p>
 <p xml:id="p77">           … Ἡρακλᾷ τῶι παρὰ </p>
 <p xml:id="p78">   Γαίου Ἰουλίου Ἀλεξ(άνδρου) υἱοῦ Ψω( ) ἀρ(γυρίου) (δραχμὰς) δ καταλαμβ(άνοντι)    </p>
 <p xml:id="p79">   ὑπ(ὲρ) συντ(αξίμου) τοῦ α(ὐτοῦ) (ἔτους) Θεαδελφείας.   </p>
 <p xml:id="p80">Two things are jarring about this reading:

A suggestion is to use quote to enclose the relevant lines:

 <p xml:id="p76">The editor of P.Mil. 12.9 gives the following for ll. 2-4 (see Fig. 1 for line 3):</p>
      <lb n="2"/>… Ἡρακλᾷ τῶι παρὰ     
      <lb n="3"/>Γαίου Ἰουλίου Ἀλεξ(άνδρου) υἱοῦ Ψω( ) ἀρ(γυρίου) (δραχμὰς) δ καταλαμβ(άνοντι)    
      <lb n="4"/>ὑπ(ὲρ) συντ(αξίμου) τοῦ α(ὐτοῦ) (ἔτους) Θεαδελφείας.
 <p xml:id="p80">Two things are jarring about this reading:
jcowey commented 2 years ago

<lb n="2"/><space quantity="20" unit="chars"/> Ἡρακλᾷ τῶι παρὰ