jcrozum / biobalm

The biologist's Boolean attractor landscape mapper, building Waddington landscapes from Boolean networks.
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Documentation pipeline #98

Closed jcrozum closed 7 months ago

jcrozum commented 7 months ago

This PR sets up the documentation pipeline and adds a linting to the CI.

Doctests are are added to the testing scripts. This will read examples in docstrings, run them, and verify that the output matches. Here is an example of how to format the docstrings to make sure doctest will recognize them (this example is from a different branch):

    Succession diagram of a Boolean network.

    This encodes relationships between minimal trap spaces and can be used for
    attractor detection and control. Note that the succession diagram is
    expanded lazily, so it is not built until `build` or a similar method is

    >>> import balm
    >>> sd = balm.SuccessionDiagram.from_bnet(\"""
    ...     A, B
    ...     B, A & C
    ...     C, !A | B
    ... \""")
    >>> print(sd.summary()) # not built yet!
    Succession Diagram with 1 nodes and depth 0.
    State order: A, B, C
    Attractors in diagram:
    >>> sd.build()
    >>> print(sd.summary()) # now it's built
    Succession Diagram with 3 nodes and depth 1.
    State order: A, B, C
    Attractors in diagram:
    minimal trap space 001
    minimal trap space 111

Docs will be rebuilt upon pushes to main, and then deployed to the gh-pages branch (there is a sample there now; download the branch and open index.html in your browser to get a preview). Note that the autodocumentation relies on numpy-doc format docstrings and consistent type annotations. We are OK on type annotations, but the docstrings are not properly formatted in most cases. Various cross-linking features are available.

To build docs locally for testing:

pip install sphinx sphinx-toolbox pydata-sphinx-theme sphinx-copybutton sphinx-autoapi
sphinx-build -M html docs/source/ docs/build/

To run the lint checker locally,

pip install flake8 black
flake8 balm --ignore=E203,W503,C901 --select=C,E,F,W,B,B950 --max-line-length=127 --statistics --count --max-complexity=10
black . --check

Running black . will actually reformat the files (but I recommend making your IDE do this).

Also, I have (temporarily?) told flake8 to ignore the C901 restriction, which limits the complexity of functions, so the --max-complexity=10 doesn't really matter right now.

After this is merged, we can get to work writing good documentation for everything.

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago


Coverage Report
   control.py1231489%48, 57, 61, 67, 81, 90–106, 329, 332, 345
   interaction_graph_utils.py54591%6–8, 47, 165–166
   motif_avoidant.py152299%25, 121
   petri_net_translation.py1481193%18–22, 58, 94, 207–208, 232–233, 242, 346
   space_utils.py129497%25–27, 252, 278
   succession_diagram.py2471295%6, 163, 177, 185, 188, 205–206, 312, 439, 627, 665, 700
   symbolic_utils.py26388%10–12, 44
   trappist_core.py1833084%11–15, 45, 47, 82, 129, 195, 197, 199, 227–230, 234–236, 256–262, 320, 322, 352, 392, 394, 425, 454
   expand_attractor_seeds.py51590%6, 42, 97–102
   expand_minimal_spaces.py37295%6, 31
   expand_source_SCCs.py164696%19–21, 91, 101, 143, 287
   expand_to_target.py31390%6, 38, 43

Tests Skipped Failures Errors Time
364 0 :zzz: 0 :x: 0 :fire: 51.363s :stopwatch:
jcrozum commented 7 months ago

I forgot to mention that the actual web documentation can't go live until we make the repo public (or pay GH some money); that's why you'll need to download the gh-pages branch to view the docs manually for now.

jcrozum commented 7 months ago

@daemontus @giang-trinh @kyuhyongpark No need to review this if you don't want to (most changes are just the linter doing its thing). Let me know if you want any changes to the GitHub workflows though.

jcrozum commented 7 months ago

I also discussed this with @kyuhyongpark last Friday, so I am going to merge this.