jcsmorais / shortcut-buttons-flatpickr

Flatpickr's plugin that provides users an alternative way to interact with the datetime picker.
MIT License
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Publish JavaScript modules (ESM) #43

Open bnf opened 1 year ago

bnf commented 1 year ago

ESM module are published unminified by convention. Therefore they can simply be build by tsc.

Also the TypeScript declaration files are linked via package.json now. TypeScript needs the types (with node10 module resolution) or exports.types (with node16 module resolution) to be defined in order for declarations to actually be picked up, otherwise the following error would be emitted:

Cannot find module 'shortcut-buttons-flatpickr' or its corresponding type declarations.

Additionally declaration mappings are published so Language Services can understand these map files and use them to map declaration-file based definition locations to their original source, when available. See https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-9.html#new---declarationmap