jcsteh / osara

OSARA: Open Source Accessibility for the REAPER Application
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Feature/keymap suggestion: OSARA action to calculate track/item loudness depending on context #737

Open pitermach opened 2 years ago

pitermach commented 2 years ago

Initially, I wanted to suggest replacing the current mapping of CTRL+Shift+K from the SWS action to the reaper one - Calculate loudness of selected items, including take and track FX and settings, via dry run render (ID 42437). This can give more information like the LUFS readings as well as whether there are any moments in the item when the audio clips. However, exploring all the available actions if you search for "calculate" gave me a much more interesting idea:

What if there was an OSARA action which would run the appropriate Reaper calculate loudness action depending on the context - either selected items, tracks, the time selection or the entire project if nothing is selected? For tracks, there are separate actions to analyze mono loudness which came up on RWP recently, so if the selection contains tracks perhaps a menu would pop up first asking whether you want to analyze the tracks for mono or stereo loudness.

This would probably be more useful than the CTRL+Shift+U SWS loudness dialog, which as far as I can see has no way to run the calculations post FX. In contrast, the Reaper actions to calculate the loudness of selected tracks take FX into consideration.

Aleskis commented 2 months ago

One thing that would be interesting, albeit a little peripheral to this request for a new shortcut, would be to make Cockos aware of the accessibility of toolbars, the one that opens via the "Toolbar: Open/close toolbar X" actions. In the present case, this would make it possible to drag our eight dry run render actions into a small menu that could be called up as a single shortcut.

ScottChesworth commented 2 months ago

A lower effort route might be to make this using the menu editor. I'll have a look into it.