jcustenborder / kafka-connect-json-schema

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Can FromJson handle "additionalProperties": true? #12

Open marlonpatrick opened 3 years ago

marlonpatrick commented 3 years ago


I'm doing some tests with FromJson and it works well for the fields listed explicitly in the json schema (json.schema.inline). However, fields that are not listed are dropped from the message even when I put "additionalProperties": true.

My question is: this transformation can handle "additionalProperties": true properly and keep all additional fields??

jcustenborder commented 3 years ago

@marlonpatrick It should. Do you have an example schema and data that we can use as a test case?

marlonpatrick commented 3 years ago

I am using MongoDB Connector Source, my connector configuration is as follows:

pipeline=[{"$match": { "operationType": { "$in": [ "insert", "replace", "update" ] } }}]




transforms.fromJsonKey.json.schema.inline={ "$id": "http://example.com/example.json", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "type": "object", "required": [ "_id" ], "properties": { "_id": { "$id": "#/properties/_id", "type": "object", "required": [ "_data" ], "properties": { "_data": { "$id": "#/properties/_id/properties/_data", "type": "string", } }, "additionalProperties": true } }, "additionalProperties": true }

transforms.fromJsonValue.json.schema.inline={ "$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "$id":"http://example.com/example.json", "type":"object", "required":[ "_id", "operationType", "clusterTime", "fullDocument", "ns", "documentKey" ], "properties":{ "_id":{ "$id":"#/properties/_id", "type":"object", "required":[ "_data" ], "properties":{ "_data":{ "$id":"#/properties/_id/properties/_data", "type":"string" } }, "additionalProperties":true }, "operationType":{ "$id":"#/properties/operationType", "type":"string" }, "clusterTime":{ "$id":"#/properties/clusterTime", "type":"object", "required":[ "$timestamp" ], "properties":{ "$timestamp":{ "$id":"#/properties/clusterTime/properties/%24timestamp", "type":"object", "required":[ "t", "i" ], "properties":{ "t":{ "$id":"#/properties/clusterTime/properties/%24timestamp/properties/t", "type":"integer" }, "i":{ "$id":"#/properties/clusterTime/properties/%24timestamp/properties/i", "type":"integer" } }, "additionalProperties":true } }, "additionalProperties":true }, "fullDocument":{ "$id":"#/properties/fullDocument", "type":"object", "additionalProperties":true }, "ns":{ "$id":"#/properties/ns", "type":"object", "required":[ "db", "coll" ], "properties":{ "db":{ "$id":"#/properties/ns/properties/db", "type":"string" }, "coll":{ "$id":"#/properties/ns/properties/coll", "type":"string" } }, "additionalProperties":true }, }, "additionalProperties":true }

The MongoDB Connector generate messages with StringConverter, here is an example of original message:

{"_id": {"_data": "825F52D0F3000000012B022C0100296E5A1004F27C4F9C01A246ABA5897A4D40F9D22B46645F696400645F52CF6985CC6000C49F6DDE0004"}, "operationType": "replace", "clusterTime": {"$timestamp": {"t": 1599262963, "i": 1}}, "fullDocument": {"_id": {"$oid": "5f52cf6985cc6000c49f6dde"}, "field1": "value1", "object1": {"field": 3.0}}, "ns": {"db": "rm-memories-mngmt", "coll": "fromjson-collection"}, "documentKey": {"_id": {"$oid": "5f52cf6985cc6000c49f6dde"}}}

And here is the converted message with FromJson transformation:


Pay attention to the fullDocument and documentKey fields.

My enviroment details:

mongo:4.4.0 zookeeper:3.4.9 confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.5.1 confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:5.5.1 confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:5.5.1 confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect:5.5.1

mongo-kafka-1.2.0-all.jar jcustenborder-kafka-connect-json-schema-0.2.5

kirajano commented 2 years ago

Facing same problem... Are there any backed solutions for this?

mdommett commented 5 months ago

Facing the same problem, any fields that are not defined in an object are just ignored ... I am using a JDBC sink connector and unfortunately have a field in my json event that will be dynamically changing... I would like to just set additionalProperties = {type: boolean} in my schema, but it seems that any additional properties are just ignored and are not given to the resulting Struct. Any help appreciated for how to overcome this ?

mdommett commented 5 months ago

@marlonpatrick did you manage to find a solution to the above issue?

morokin commented 4 months ago

Came to this issue because of similar reasons:

Confirming issue, same case - field with variable number of keys of same type with schema like below: "Header": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } },

is not working as expected, I'm converting to Avro with s3 sink connector and resulting avro schema part is:

{ "name": "Header", "type": { "name": "properties.Header", "type": "record", "fields": [] } }, "additionalProperties" are not affecting anything