jcutler / Missing-E

Missing e is a set of tools, features and interface changes for Tumblr.
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Firefox 6.0 the selecting multiply messages and deleting doesn't work #25

Closed ghost closed 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

It tells me that i need to try again later, and it is version 2.0.2

jcutler commented 12 years ago

This is an indication of a connection problem to Tumblr or Tumblr's servers not responding correctly. Missing e is most likely working correctly.

ghost commented 12 years ago

actually it is giving me a 403 forbidden when run thru firebug's javascript console when using tumblr.com/delete_posts and that is what missing e is using to delete it but in actually when you use the tumblr X it goes thru to http://www.tumblr.com/deny_submission/9278531559 or http://www.tumblr.com/deny_submission/{post_id} screen_shot

jcutler commented 12 years ago

A forbidden error makes no sense. Are you logged in? There is only one other possibility....

In order to delete multiple posts, Missing e does an AJAX call to delete_posts. That is expected. Due to the limitations of that page, privately-answered message and asks for each account are deleted separately.

For example, if I select three messages: one ask submitted to cutlerish, one ask submitted to missing-e and one privately-answered ask that came back to me, then three calls to delete_posts are made.

I don't think I tested it with submissions, though.

Perhaps you can try deleting one at a time (one of each type would suffice) using the "Delete Selected" button and let me know which work and which don't.

jcutler commented 12 years ago

I just tested with submitted posts, and that works fine for me.

jcutler commented 12 years ago

Hmm... before you do that, let me know if any of them are submitted posts. Perhaps it fails trying to delete submitted posts together with asks...

ghost commented 12 years ago

I wasn't deleting a submission i was deleting an ask

jcutler commented 12 years ago

Okay, well I can't repeat it. Every combination of deleting works fine for me. Can you find some minimal combination of selected posts that won't delete successfully (after confirming that you can delete single posts using the delete selected button).

jcutler commented 12 years ago

I have not received a response regarding this. Because I cannot repeat, I am closing this issue. If you are able to provide the information, please reopen!