jczic / ESP32-MPY-Jama

v1.2 - UI tool for manage Espressif ESP32 microcontrollers with embedded MicroPython for MacOS, Windows and Linux: mini IDE, files manager, REPL, real time dashboards (sys/net), advanced features (gpio/mp3/leds/...)
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"Args force GUI" don't work (Ubuntu/gnome) #36

Open ghvau opened 1 year ago

ghvau commented 1 year ago

The last Update don't works on Ubuntu 22.04 / source code After start you get a flash up of small window After a few sec. the window will be closed.

ghvau commented 1 year ago

The error comes with "Adds arg to force GUI web engine " that means none of the parameter python app.py -g gtk (to use GTK on Linux) python app.py -g qt (to use QT) works.

With "-g qt" you get a small empty window, which will be closed after a few sec. and the warning: System Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. ---> You get also "init error and info about the parameter"

W/o any parameter you get a small window with "gears", after a few sec. the window was closed, no warning. --->The app "hangs" w/o any message, you can interrupt by Ctrl-c.

Using still the QT and gnome environment!

jczic commented 1 year ago

Hi @ghvau, it's a delay issue I think. Could you increase the START_GUI_AND_WS_TIMEOUT_SEC in conf.py (7 seconds by default) and retry?

For nothing has changed except the ability to force the use of a GUI engine but also to detect when an engine does not start. And apparently, in your case, this last point passes the 7 seconds time limit and the application decides to close itself by indicating the error message.

If it worked before the update, don't use arguments but just tell me if with a longer delay it works.

ghvau commented 1 year ago

I just download the latest version, the parameter already changed by youself (7->15). But i get exact the situation as described above (w/o parameter and with -g qt) !

The app still be started by default description (from Jama dir): cd ESP32-MPY-Jama . venv/bin/activate python3 src/app.py ("with or w/o args")

And really, before update it worked :-) !

jczic commented 1 year ago

@ghvau, thank you for your tests 👍🏻 So it closes after 15 seconds? Does it do the same thing if you completely remove the line gui = forceGUI in the function Start(...) line 1607 of the app.py.

I also just changed a sleep to an async sleep during startup, maybe this was causing a problem on your system.

It's annoying because I don't have a Linux like yours to test :(

ghvau commented 1 year ago

After i delete the line, there is no change or problem still there.

I play also with vizviewer (Tracetool) and i get the following info, after start Jama w/o parameter:


You can see that the gtk.py modul was started ? Problems in handling default parameter for QT or parameter handover ? Remember, I start w/o parameter, equal to the past.

ghvau commented 1 year ago

If you start the app with parameter -g qt you see


It looks equal, also the gtk modul was started ?

jczic commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback. You mean that with the line gui=forceGUI and without passing any parameter it doesn't work while using GTK? That would mean that setting gui=None would be different from not setting it at all or that gui would be different from None.

Could you possibly add the line print(forceGUI) just before the call to Start(...) to know what it is worth when passed?

Also, do you think you could look at what version of the pywebview lib is used in your environment? I'm having trouble understanding as I don't have anything to reproduce this problem :(

( You can also try adding an environment variable named PYWEBVIEW_GUI and set it to qt . The WebView library will read this environment variable and use it to force the web engine. )

Thank you very much!!

ghvau commented 1 year ago

print(forceGUI) W/o parameter -> None With "-g qt" -> qt

pywebview[qt] Requirement already satisfied: pywebview[qt] in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (4.0.2) Requirement already satisfied: bottle in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pywebview[qt]) (0.12.25) Requirement already satisfied: proxy-tools in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pywebview[qt]) (0.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: PyQt5 in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pywebview[qt]) (5.15.9) Requirement already satisfied: pyqtwebengine in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pywebview[qt]) (5.15.6) Requirement already satisfied: QtPy in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pywebview[qt]) (2.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: PyQt5-Qt5>=5.15.2 in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from PyQt5->pywebview[qt]) (5.15.2) Requirement already satisfied: PyQt5-sip<13,>=12.11 in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from PyQt5->pywebview[qt]) (12.11.1) Requirement already satisfied: PyQtWebEngine-Qt5>=5.15.0 in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pyqtwebengine->pywebview[qt]) (5.15.2) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from QtPy->pywebview[qt]) (23.0)

Set PYWEBVIEW_GUI direct before webview.start and use it with :

There is no change in the error situation or error description !!!

I have also the lastest Jama version which runs for me (version -> fix problem with size of port description). If i start this version, i get also the same traceview as above, means also a module gtk.py starts, but Jama works ?!?!

jczic commented 1 year ago

Ok I see, GTK is still launched after QT in case QT does not work. So if it doesn't change anything for you on the latest version then I think I know where the problem comes from, I changed something else that no longer hides the software main window at startup. Maybe it works, line 69 : Instead of hidden = True you can try hidden = not conf.IS_LINUX This bug also existed under Windows but has since been fixed. It must persist under Linux then...

ghvau commented 1 year ago

If I start Jama with "-g qt" i get two (small/big) white empty windows who disappear after a few sec.

BUT if i start w/o parameter (like the past), you have found the half way for the solution, i get the dialog mask of jama and i can select the items. BUT: jama starts always with reduced window (also in the past!). If i use this reduced size jama will be closed after a few sec.
BUT: If i switch after start directly to a full size jama window image , jama stays stable !!! During the switch to full size window there is flash up a message/info/error(?) on the screen, but its to quick, i cant read it.

jczic commented 1 year ago

Ahh! Thanks for the feedback @ghvau! 👍🏻

First of all, don't use the QT parameter because you actually have to run the program in GTK mode on your Linux. With the g -qt arguments: the UI looks for QT first and then GTK. With the arguments g -gtk : the IU looks first for GTK and then for QT.

As for the windows, there are indeed 2 of them: The small square window is in fact a splash screen which is supposed to appear during the loading time and then the big window is the software. Normally, the big one is hidden at the beginning, the time that all the interface loads... Apparently there is a problem at this level and all I have restored is to display the main window right away. The small one remains. That's why you see 2 of them. Concerning the message and the fact that you have to click on the main window and not the small one, I think it's a problem of focus on the objects/windows that stays somewhere and makes the interface crash.

Also, there is a 15 second delay during the launch. After this delay, the software closes automatically if everything has not started correctly, by writing the message in the terminal about the arguments.

For the UI message that you don't have time to see, I have no idea what it is.

However, I wonder why it worked better before now. Tell me, how long (seconds) does it take for the software to launch on your system? And also, after how long does it close when you don't click on the main window?

Finally, when you say "jama starts always with reduced window (also in the past!)", do you mean that the window was invisible and that you had to click in your task bar to make it appear? It's important :)

Once you have seen all this, you can update the sources with the current repository because I just made a modification that should surely work (commit https://github.com/jczic/ESP32-MPY-Jama/commit/d5a07ed2502393f4c8dfe2f98a3e87eafe536126).

Thank you very much for your feedback, we are making progress, it will work properly soon 😎

ghvau commented 1 year ago

There is a other point which i ignored in the past (no handicap), but it is still there. If i go after start (reduced window) in Jama Funcs i can see only the header line and the 3 lines of description but no functions! After switching to full size window the contents changed and the functions were shown/appears.

The just downloaded source has still the here described points.

jczic commented 1 year ago

Can I have a screen shot of the last point? As I would understand maybe better because there, I confess not to find the solution :/ Thanks.

jczic commented 1 year ago

I just updated the sources by removing the splash screen under Linux! Does it work now?

ghvau commented 1 year ago

WOW ..., congratulations ..., that's it !!!

Ready for the Ubuntu future!

After a short basic test all points seems to be solved, include the missing overview (in small window frame) of the Jama Funcs scripts.


jczic commented 1 year ago

Excellent! 🎉 thanks @ghvau for all feedbacks and for helping me solve this problem :) So I will compile the binaries for Mac&Win and update the readme to offer this new version! Don't hesitate to let me know how you use it if you can. Thanks again and see you soon.