jczic / MicroWebCli

A micro HTTP Web client for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32)
MIT License
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Simultaneously run MicroWebCli and MicroWebSrv? #6

Open cyrils opened 1 year ago

cyrils commented 1 year ago

I use both MicroWebSrv and MicroWebCli in Raspberry Pi Pico W. Since Pico has two cores, I run MicroWebSrv with the threaded=True option. However All of my MicroWebCli network calls fail with error [Errno 115] EINPROGRESS. If I do not run server then it works fine. Any idea how to run server and make other network calls at the same time?

jczic commented 1 year ago

Hi @cyrils, could you try that at the beginning of your code to increase your stack size (8x1024 or 6x1024...) :

from _thread import stack_size