jdaehne / BackupMODX

Tiny Backup Widget for MODX-Sites
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Restoring database wipes all plugins #49

Open Lefthandmedia opened 5 years ago

Lefthandmedia commented 5 years ago

Hi, After the upgrade to BU 3.0.1 all my plugins are deleted when i do a restore. I use BU to update the DB on a local MAMP from a production ENV. this worked fine in the past but since the upgrade something goes wrong while restoring the DB (i don't use it to backup files). I get a warning after restore saying 'PDO Exeption! Please read the BackupMODX errorlog for more information. the error log says

[2019-11-05 16:28:04] (ERROR in BackupMODX @ /Users/xxx/Documents/REPOSITORY/uvaweb/clickmodel/core_uva/components/backupmodx/src/Backup/Restore.php : 49) PDO Exeption HY000 1366 Incorrect string value: '\x90fI\x02\x00\x00...' for column 'plugincode' at row 2
SQL Query: INSERT INTO `modx_site_plugins` VALUES (1,1,0,'register elements','',0,0,0,'/**\n * Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.\n * User: ralph\n * Date: 30/04/18\n * Time: 11:12 AM\n * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.\n *\n * DESCRIPTION\n * creates MODX elements based on text inside static files.\n * it looks trough the filesystem, finds static files and registers them as element in Modx\n * no need for a fixed file struture. the static files can be placed anywhere.\n * within the $baseDir\n *\n * PARAMETERS:\n * type:\n *      chunk\n *      snippet\n *      template\n *      plugin\n *\n * add delete:true to remove a snippet form modx based on the snippet name\n * add once:true to perform the action only once. Effectively the string SEARCHSTRING will be emptied to prevent the file from being processed each time. only with a fresh upload to server will the element be created again\n *\n *\n * USAGE in the static files:\n * <!-- YOUR SEARCHSTRING HERE{\"type\":\"chunk\",\"name\":\"TEST CHUNK\", \"categorie\":\"pinkribbon.test2.test3\"}; -->\n * <!-- YOUR SEARCHSTRING HERE{\"type\":\"chunk\",\"name\":\"TEST CHUNK\", \"categorie\":\"pinkribbon.test2.test3\", \"delete\":\"true\"}; -->\n * <!-- YOUR SEARCHSTRING HERE{\"type\":\"chunk\",\"name\":\"TEST CHUNK\", \"categorie\":\"pinkribbon.test2.test3\", \"once\":\"true\"}; -->\n *\n * So for a snippet it\'s <?php // YOUR SEARCHSTRING HERE{\"type\":\"snippet\",\"name\":\"TEST SNIPPET\", \"categorie\":\"test.test2.test3\"};\n *\n * USAGE as a snippet\n * [!register_elements]\n *\n */\n\n\n$searchstring = \'@modx-\' . \'element:\'; //the string is split to prevent THIS file from being processed by the register plugin\n$baseDir = $modx->getOption(\'register-elements-path\', null, \"staticScripts/\");\n$dir = $modx->config[\'base_path\'] . $baseDir;\n$debug = true;\n//$safetodelete = true;\n$o = \'\';\n\n\nif($debug){\n    $modx->setLogLevel(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO);\n}\n\nif(!$modx){\n    define(\'MODX_API_MODE\', true);\n    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . \'/config.core.php\';\n    require_once MODX_CORE_PATH . \'model/modx/modx.class.php\';\n    $modx = new modX();\n    $modx->initialize(\'web\');\n    $modx->getService(\'error\', \'error.modError\', \'\', \'\');\n}\n\n//------  Return if the user isn\'t part of one of the allowed usergroups\n$usergroups = explode(\',\', $modx->getOption(\'elementhelper.usergroups\', null, \'Administrator\'));\nif(!$modx->user->isMember($usergroups)){\n    if($debug){\n        $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \'Not permitted\');\n    }\n    return;\n}\n\n$files = getFiles($dir);\n\n\nforeach ($files as $file) {\n\n    $f = fopen($file, \"r\");\n    if($f){\n        while (($buffer = fgets($f, 1024)) !== false) {\n            preg_match(\'/\' . $searchstring . \'(.*?);/\', $buffer, $display);\n            if(isset($display[1])){\n                $data = json_decode($display[1], true);\n                if($debug){\n                   // $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \'process \' . $data[\"name\"]);\n                }\n                if(!isLocal() && !$data[\"once\"] == false){\n                    removeCodeline($file, $searchstring);\n                }\n                // prep categories\n                if(isset($data[\"categorie\"])){\n                    $category_names = explode(\'.\', $data[\'categorie\']);\n                    setCategories($category_names);\n                    $data[\"cat\"] = get_category_id(end($category_names));\n                } else {\n                    $data[\"cat\"] = 0;\n                }\n                if(isset($data[\"delete\"]) && $data[\"delete\"] == true){\n                    $o .= deleteElement($data);\n                } else {\n                    $data[\"file\"] = $file;\n                    $o .= createElement($data);\n                }\n            }\n        }\n\n    }\n    fclose($f);\n}\n$modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \'Finished processing elements!\');\n\n$modx->setLogLevel(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);\n\n\n//=============================================\n\nfunction isLocal(){\n    $is = false;\n    $locallist = array(\n            \'\',\n            \'::1\'\n    );\n    if(strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\']), \'dev\') === true){\n        $is = true;\n    }\n    if(strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\']), \'test\') === true){\n        $is = true;\n    }\n    if(strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\']), \'local\') === true){\n        $is = true;\n    }\n    if(in_array($_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\'], $locallist)){\n        $is = true;\n    }\n    return $is;\n}\n\n\nfunction removeCodeline($filename, $hit){\n    $file = file($filename);\n    $output = $file[0];\n    $lineNumber = 0;\n    foreach ($file as $lineNumber => $line) {\n        if(strpos($line, $hit) !== false){\n            unset($file[$lineNumber]);\n            break;\n        }\n    }\n    file_put_contents($filename, $file);\n    return $output;\n}\n\nfunction get_category_id($name){\n    global $modx;\n    $category = $modx->getObject(\'modCategory\', array(\'category\' => $name));\n    $category_id = isset($category) ? $category->get(\'id\') : 0;\n    return $category_id;\n}\n\nfunction create_category($name, $parent_id = 0){\n    global $modx;\n    $category = $modx->getObject(\'modCategory\', array(\'category\' => $name));\n    // If the category doesn\'t exist create it\n    if(!isset($category)){\n        $category = $modx->newObject(\'modCategory\');\n        $category->set(\'category\', $name);\n    }\n    $category->set(\'parent\', $parent_id);\n    $category->save();\n    return $category;\n}\n\nfunction setCategories($cats){\n    $parentcat = 0;\n    foreach ($cats as $cat) {\n        $newcat = create_category($cat, $parentcat);\n        $parentcat = $newcat->get(\'id\');\n    }\n}\n\nfunction getFiles($directory, $exempt = array(\'.\', \'..\', \'.ds_store\', \'.svn\'), &$files = array()){\n    $handle = opendir($directory);\n    while (false !== ($resource = readdir($handle))) {\n        if(!in_array(strtolower($resource), $exempt)){\n            if(is_dir($directory . $resource)){\n                array_merge($files, getFiles($directory . $resource . \'/\', $exempt, $files));\n            } else {\n                $files[] = $directory . $resource;\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    closedir($handle);\n    return $files;\n}\n\nfunction getDescriptionTime($desc){\n    $l = strrpos($desc, \"-\");\n    if($l > 0){\n        return substr($desc, $l + 2);\n    } else {\n        return false;\n    }\n}\n\nfunction getDescription($desc){\n    $l = strrpos($desc, \"-\");\n    if($l > 0){\n        return substr($desc, 0, $l);\n    } else {\n        return $desc;\n    }\n}\n\nfunction createElement($data){\n    global $modx;\n    global $debug;\n\n    if($debug){\n        $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \'createElement=> \' . $data[\"name\"] . \' ,type= \' . $data[\"type\"] . \' ,categorie= \' . $data[\"categorie\"]);\n    }\n    switch (strtolower($data[\"type\"])) {\n        case \'chunk\':\n            $obj = $modx->getObject(\'modChunk\', array(\'name\' => $data[\"name\"]));\n            if($obj){\n                $obj = (getDescriptionTime($obj->get(\'description\')) == filemtime($data[\'file\'])) ? NULL : $obj;\n            } else {\n                $obj = $modx->newObject(\'modChunk\');\n                $obj->set(\'name\', $data[\"name\"]);\n            }\n            break;\n        case \'snippet\':\n            $obj = $modx->getObject(\'modSnippet\', array(\'name\' => $data[\"name\"]));\n            if($obj){\n                $obj = (getDescriptionTime($obj->get(\'description\')) == filemtime($data[\'file\'])) ? NULL : $obj;\n\n            } else {\n                $obj = $modx->newObject(\'modSnippet\');\n                $obj->set(\'name\', $data[\"name\"]);\n            }\n            break;\n        case \'template\':\n            $obj = $modx->getObject(\'modTemplate\', array(\'templatename\' => $data[\"name\"]));\n            if($obj){\n                $obj = (getDescriptionTime($obj->get(\'description\')) == filemtime($data[\'file\'])) ? NULL : $obj;\n            } else {\n                $obj = $modx->newObject(\'modTemplate\');\n                $obj->set(\'templatename\', $data[\"name\"]);\n            }\n            break;\n        case \'plugin\':\n            $obj = $modx->getObject(\'modPlugin\', array(\'name\' => $data[\"name\"]));\n            if($obj){\n                $obj = (getDescriptionTime($obj->get(\'description\')) == filemtime($data[\'file\'])) ? NULL : $obj;\n            } else {\n                $obj = $modx->newObject(\'modPlugin\');\n                $obj->set(\'name\', $data[\"name\"]);\n            }\n            break;\n    }\n\n    if($obj){\n        $f = str_replace($modx->config[\'base_path\'], \"\", $data[\"file\"]);\n        $obj->set(\'static\', 1);\n        $obj->set(\'source\', 0);\n        $obj->set(\'static_file\', $f);\n        $obj->set(\'category\', $data[\'cat\']);\n        $desc = getDescription($obj->get(\'description\'));\n\n        if(isset($data[\'description\'])){\n            $obj->set(\'description\', $data[\'description\'] . \" - \" . filemtime($data[\'file\']));\n        } else {\n            $obj->set(\'description\', $desc . \" - \" . filemtime($data[\'file\']));\n        }\n\n        $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \'--- Save \' . $data[\"name\"]);\n\n        $obj->setContent(file_get_contents($data[\"file\"]));\n        if($obj->save()){\n            // $modx->cacheManager->refresh();\n            return $data[\"type\"] . \": \" . $data[\"name\"] . \' created <br>\';\n        } else {\n            if($debug){\n                $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \'FAIL Element=> \' . $data[\"name\"]);\n            }\n            return \'fail\';\n        }\n    }\n}\n\n//==============================================\nfunction deleteElement($data){\n    global $modx;\n    switch ($data[\"type\"]) {\n        case \'chunk\':\n            $obj = $modx->getObject(\'modChunk\', array(\'name\' => $data[\"name\"]));\n            break;\n        case \'snippet\':\n            $obj = $modx->getObject(\'modSnippet\', array(\'name\' => $data[\"name\"]));\n            break;\n        case \'template\':\n            $obj = $modx->getObject(\'modTemplate\', array(\'templatename\' => $data[\"name\"]));\n            break;\n    }\n    if($obj){\n        if($obj->remove() == false){\n            return \'An error occurred while trying to remove \' . $data[\"name\"];\n        } else {\n            return $data[\"name\"] . \' DELETED <br>\';\n        }\n    }\n}',0,'a:0:{}',0,'',1,'staticScripts/plugins/registerElements.php'),(2,0,0,'TinyMCERTE','',0,1,0,'/**\n * Tiny�fI�fI`,A0*A�fI�fI@�fItion(\'core_path\', null, MODX_CORE_PATH) . \'components/tinymcerte/\');\n/** @var TinyMCERTE $tinymcerte */\n$tinymcerte = $modx->getService(\n    \'tinymcerte\',\n    \'TinyMCERTE\',\n    $corePath . \'model/tinymcerte/\',\n    array(\n        \'core_path\' => $corePath\n    )\n);\n\n$className = \'TinyMCERTE\' . $modx->event->name;\n$modx->loadClass(\'TinyMCERTEPlugin\', $tinymcerte->getOption(\'modelPath\') . \'tinymcerte/events/\', true, true);\n$modx->loadClass($className, $tinymcerte->getOption(\'modelPath\') . \'tinymcerte/events/\', true, true);\nif (class_exists($className)) {\n    /** @var TinyMCERTEPlugin $handler */\n    $handler = new $className($modx, $scriptProperties);\n    $handler->run();\n}\nreturn;',0,'a:0:{}',0,'',0,''),(3,0,0,'Collections','',0,4,0,'/**\n * Collections\n *\n * DESCRIPTION\n *\n * This plugin inject JS to handle proper working of close buttons in Resource\'s panel (OnDocFormPrerender)\n * This plugin handles setting proper show_in_tree parameter (OnBeforeDocFormSave, OnResourceSort)\n *\n * @var modX $modx\n * @var array $scriptProperties\n */\n$corePath = $modx->getOption(\'collections.core_path\', null, $modx->getOption(\'core_path\', null, MODX_CORE_PATH) . \'components/collections/\');\n/** @var Collections $collections */\n$collections = $modx->getService(\n    \'collections\',\n    \'Collections\',\n    $corePath . \'model/collections/\',\n    array(\n        \'core_path\' => $corePath\n    )\n);\n\nif (!($collections instanceof Collections)) return \'\';\n\n$className = \"\\\\Collections\\\\Events\\\\{$modx->event->name}\";\nif (class_exists($className)) {\n    /** @var \\Collections\\Events\\Event $handler */\n    $handler = new $className($modx, $scriptProperties);\n    $handler->run();\n}\n\nreturn;',0,'a:0:{}',0,'',0,''),(4,0,0,'ImagePlus','Image+ runtime hooks - registers custom TV input & output types and includes javascripts on document edit pages.',0,7,0,'/**\n * Image+ runtime hooks\n * Registers custom TV input & output types and includes javascripts on document\n * edit pages so that the TV can be used from within other extras (i.e. MIGX,\n * Collections)\n *\n * Copyright 2013-2015 by Alan Pich <alan.pich@gmail.com>\n * Copyright 2015-2018 by Thomas Jakobi <thomas.jakobi@partout.info>\n *\n * @package imageplus\n * @subpackage plugin\n *\n * @author Alan Pich <alan.pich@gmail.com>\n * @author Thomas Jakobi <thomas.jakobi@partout.info>\n * @copyright Alan Pich 2013-2015\n * @copyright Thomas Jakobi 2015-2018\n *\n * @event OnManagerPageBeforeRender\n * @event OnTVInputRenderList\n * @event OnTVOutputRenderList\n * @event OnTVInputPropertiesList\n * @event OnTVOutputRenderPropertiesList\n * @event OnDocFormRender\n *\n * @var modX $modx\n */\n\n$eventName = $modx->event->name;\n\n$corePath = $modx->getOption(\'imageplus.core_path\', null, $modx->getOption(\'core_path\') . \'components/imageplus/\');\n/** @var ImagePlus $imageplus */\n$imageplus = $modx->getService(\'imageplus\', \'ImagePlus\', $corePath . \'model/imageplus/\', array(\n    \'core_path\' => $corePath\n));\n\nswitch ($eventName) {\n    case \'OnManagerPageBeforeRender\':\n        $modx->controller->addLexiconTopic(\'imageplus:default\');\n        $imageplus->includeScriptAssets();\n        break;\n    case \'OnTVInputRenderList\':\n        $modx->event->output($corePath . \'elements/tv/input/\');\n        break;\n    case \'OnTVOutputRenderList\':\n        $modx->event->output($corePath . \'elements/tv/output/\');\n        break;\n    case \'OnTVInputPropertiesList\':\n        $modx->event->output($corePath . \'elements/tv/input/options/\');\n        break;\n    case \'OnTVOutputRenderPropertiesList\':\n        $modx->event->output($corePath . \'elements/tv/output/options/\');\n        break;\n    case \'OnDocFormRender\':\n        $imageplus->includeScriptAssets();\n        break;\n};',0,'a:0:{}',0,'',0,''),(5,0,0,'phpThumbOfCacheManager','Handles cache cleaning when clearing the Site Cache.',0,8,0,'/*\n * Handles cache cleanup\n * pThumb\n * Copyright 2013 Jason Grant\n *\n * Please see the GitHub page for documentation or to report bugs:\n * https://github.com/oo12/phpThumbOf\n *\n * pThumb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free\n * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any\n * later version.\n *\n * pThumb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY\n * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR\n * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with\n * phpThumbOf; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple\n * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n */\n\nif ($modx->event->name === \'OnSiteRefresh\') {\n  if (!$modx->loadClass(\'pThumbCacheCleaner\', MODX_CORE_PATH . \'components/phpthumbof/model/\', true, true)) {\n       $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, \'[pThumb] Could not load pThumbCacheCleaner class.\');\n     return;\n   }\n static $pt_settings = array();\n    $pThumb = new pThumbCacheCleaner($modx, $pt_settings, array(), true);\n $pThumb->cleanCache();\n}',0,NULL,0,'',0,''),(6,0,0,'ContentBlocks','The main plugin for ContentBlocks, responsible for handling generating the form as well as saving the resource. (Part of ContentBlocks)',0,12,0,'/**\n * ContentBlocks\n *\n * Events: OnDocFormRender, OnDocFormSave\n *\n * @package contentblocks\n */\n\n$corePath = $modx->getOption(\'contentblocks.core_path\', null, $modx->getOption(\'core_path\') . \'components/contentblocks/\');\n$assetsUrl = $modx->getOption(\'contentblocks.assets_url\', null, $modx->getOption(\'assets_url\') . \'components/contentblocks/\');\n\n/**\n * @var ContentBlocks $ContentBlocks\n * @var modResource $resource\n * @var modX $modx\n * @var array $scriptProperties\n */\n$ContentBlocks = $modx->getService(\'contentblocks\', \'ContentBlocks\', $corePath . \'model/contentblocks/\');\n\nswitch ($modx->event->name) {\n    case \'OnDocFormPrerender\':\n        if ($modx->controller && isset($modx->controller->resource) && $modx->controller->resource instanceof modResource) {\n            $resource = $modx->controller->resource;\n            $ContentBlocks->setResource($modx->controller->resource);\n        }\n        else {\n            return;\n        }\n\n        // Default settings\n        $disabled = (int)$modx->getOption(\'contentblocks.disabled\', null, false);\n        $acceptedResourceTypes = $modx->getOption(\'contentblocks.accepted_resource_types\', null, \'modDocument,mgResource\');\n\n        // Fake the wctx variable for loading the working context to get settings\n        if (!isset($_GET[\'wctx\'])) $_GET[\'wctx\'] = $resource->get(\'context_key\');\n\n        // If we got the working context, get some settings\n        if ($modx->controller->loadWorkingContext()) {\n            $disabled = (int)$modx->controller->workingContext->getOption(\'contentblocks.disabled\', $disabled);\n            $acceptedResourceTypes = $modx->controller->workingContext->getOption(\'contentblocks.accepted_resource_types\', $acceptedResourceTypes);\n        }\n\n        // Check if we\'re using an allowed resource type\n        $acceptedType = false;\n        $acceptedResourceTypes = explode(\',\', $acceptedResourceTypes);\n        foreach ($acceptedResourceTypes as $type) {\n            if ($resource instanceof $type) $acceptedType = true;\n        }\n\n        // If contentblocks is disabled or this is not an accepted resource, we can stop here.\n        if ($disabled || !$acceptedType) return;\n\n        // Load the lexicon\n        $modx->controller->addLexiconTopic(\'contentblocks:default\');\n        $isContentBlocks = $resource->getProperty(\'_isContentBlocks\', \'contentblocks\', null);\n\n        // Load the use_contentblocks setting\n        if ($ContentBlocks->getOption(\'contentblocks.show_resource_option\', null, true)) {\n            $modx->controller->addJavascript($assetsUrl . \'cmp/js/widgets/booleancombo.js\');\n            $settingChunk = $modx->newObject(\'modChunk\', array(\n                \'content\' => file_get_contents($corePath . \'templates/setting.tpl\')\n            ));\n\n            $modx->controller->addHtml($settingChunk->process(array(\n                \'value\' => ($isContentBlocks !== false) ? \'1\' : \'0\'\n            )));\n        }\n\n        // Halt if we\'re not using contentblocks here\n        if ($isContentBlocks === false) {\n            // we\'re done here\n            return;\n        }\n\n        // Prepare the content\n        $contents = array();\n        if ($isContentBlocks) {\n            // When reloading, the contentblocks field will contain the JSON data\n            $contents = $resource->get(\'contentblocks\');\n            if (empty($contents)) {\n                // If it\'s empty, we get the data from the resource property instead\n                $contents = $resource->getProperty(\'content\', \'contentblocks\');\n            }\n\n            // Try to decode the JSON\n            $contents = $modx->fromJSON($contents);\n        }\n\n        if (!is_array($contents) || empty($contents)) {\n            $content = $resource->get(\'content\');\n            $contents = $ContentBlocks->getDefaultCanvas(false, $content);\n        }\n\n        // Generate a wrapper class to apply, so we can target stuff in CSS\n        $wrapperCls = array();\n        $wrapperCls[] = \'type_\' . strtolower($resource->get(\'class_key\'));\n        $wrapperCls[] = \'position_\' . $ContentBlocks->config[\'canvas_position\'];\n        $modxVersion = $modx->getVersionData();\n        if (version_compare($modxVersion[\'full_version\'], \'2.3.0-dev\', \'>=\')) {\n            $wrapperCls[] = \'modx_v23\';\n        }\n        if (version_compare($modxVersion[\'full_version\'], \'3.0.0-dev\', \'>=\')) {\n            $wrapperCls[] = \'modx_v30\';\n        }\n        $wrapperCls = implode(\' \', $wrapperCls);\n\n        // Grab objects for building the canvas\n        $objects = $ContentBlocks->getObjectsForCanvas($resource);\n        $categories = $modx->toJSON($objects[\'categories\']);\n        $fields = $modx->toJSON($objects[\'fields\']);\n        $layouts = $modx->toJSON($objects[\'layouts\']);\n        $templates = $modx->toJSON($objects[\'templates\']);\n\n        $contents = $modx->toJSON($contents);\n        $resourceInfo = $modx->toJSON($resource->get(array(\'id\', \'pagetitle\', \'context_key\')));\n        $config = $modx->toJSON($ContentBlocks->config);\n\n        $modx->controller->addHtml(<<<HTML\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n    var ContentBlocksCategories = $categories,\n        ContentBlocksFields = $fields,\n        ContentBlocksLayouts = $layouts,\n        ContentBlocksTemplates = $templates,\n        ContentBlocksContents = $contents,\n        ContentBlocksConfig = $config,\n        ContentBlocksWrapperCls = \"$wrapperCls\",\n        ContentBlocksResource = $resourceInfo;\n\n    var cbGenerated = false,\n        ContentBlocksWillRenderContent = true;\n    MODx.on(\'ready\', function () {\n        // Prevent double-generation\n        if (cbGenerated) return;\n        cbGenerated = true;\n\n        ContentBlocks.render();\n\n        // Hook up to beforesubmit to fetch the values and fetch the content blocks\n        Ext.getCmp(\'modx-panel-resource\').on(\'beforesubmit\', function(o) {\n            o.form.baseParams[\'contentblocks\'] = ContentBlocks.getData();\n        });\n    });\n</script>\nHTML\n        );\n        $scriptTags = $ContentBlocks->getAssets();\n        $modx->controller->addHtml($scriptTags);\n\n        break;\n\n    case \'OnDocFormSave\':\n        $ContentBlocks->setResource($resource);\n        $modx->resource = $resource;\n\n        $cbJson = $resource->get(\'contentblocks\');\n\n        $cbContent = $modx->fromJSON($cbJson);\n\n        // RenderContent Event\n        $response = $modx->invokeEvent(\'ContentBlocks_RenderContent\', array(\n            \'cbContent\' => $cbContent,\n            \'cbJson\' => $cbJson,\n            \'resource\' => $resource\n        ));\n        // check if customized content was returned\n        if (!empty($response) && is_array($response) && json_encode($response) !== \'[\"\"]\') {\n            $cbContent = $response[0][\'cbContent\'];\n            $cbJson = $response[0][\'cbJson\'];\n        }\n\n        if (!empty($cbJson) && $cbContent !== false && is_array($cbContent)) {\n            $summary = $ContentBlocks->summarizeContent($cbContent);\n            $resource->setProperties(array(\n                \'content\' => $cbJson,\n                \'linear\' => $summary[\'linear\'],\n                \'fieldcounts\' => $summary[\'fieldcounts\'],\n                \'_isContentBlocks\' => true,\n            ), \'contentblocks\', true);\n\n            // We save the CB data as soon as possible ...\n            $resource->save();\n            // ... then we parse it to HTML which is stored in the content ...\n            try {\n                $ContentBlocks->loadParser();\n                $resource->setContent($ContentBlocks->generateHtml($cbContent));\n                $ContentBlocks->restoreParser();\n            } catch (Exception $e) {\n                $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, \'Exception while trying to parse the content of resource \' . $resource->id . \': \' . $e->getMessage());\n            }\n            // ... to make sure parse errors don\'t lose the content.\n        }\n        $resource->set(\'contentblocks\', \'\');\n\n        // Make sure we need to continue to use contentblocks\n        $useCb = $resource->get(\'use_contentblocks\');\n        if (in_array($useCb, array(\'0\', \'1\'), true)) {\n            $resource->setProperty(\'_isContentBlocks\', (bool)$useCb, \'contentblocks\');\n        }\n        $resource->save();\n        break;\n\n    /**\n     * @var string $path\n     */\n    case \'OnFileManagerFileRename\':\n        $ContentBlocks->renames[] = $path;\n        break;\n}\n\nreturn;',0,NULL,0,'',0,''),(7,1,0,'pdoTools','',0,17,0,'/** @var modX $modx */\nswitch ($modx->event->name) {\n\n    case \'OnMODXInit\':\n        $fqn = $modx->getOption(\'pdoTools.class\', null, \'pdotools.pdotools\', true);\n        $path = $modx->getOption(\'pdotools_class_path\', null, MODX_CORE_PATH . \'components/pdotools/model/\', true);\n        $modx->loadClass($fqn, $path, false, true);\n\n        $fqn = $modx->getOption(\'pdoFetch.class\', null, \'pdotools.pdofetch\', true);\n        $path = $modx->getOption(\'pdofetch_class_path\', null, MODX_CORE_PATH . \'components/pdotools/model/\', true);\n        $modx->loadClass($fqn, $path, false, true);\n        break;\n\n    case \'OnSiteRefresh\':\n        /** @var pdoTools $pdoTools */\n        if ($pdoTools = $modx->getService(\'pdoTools\')) {\n            if ($pdoTools->clearFileCache()) {\n                $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $modx->lexicon(\'refresh_default\') . \': pdoTools\');\n            }\n        }\n        break;\n\n    case \'OnWebPagePrerender\':\n        $parser = $modx->getParser();\n        if ($parser instanceof pdoParser) {\n            foreach ($parser->pdoTools->ignores as $key => $val) {\n                $modx->resource->_output = str_replace($key, $val, $modx->resource->_output);\n            }\n        }\n        break;\n}',0,NULL,0,'',0,'core/components/pdotools/elements/plugins/plugin.pdotools.php'),(8,1,0,'turnoff CB','',0,0,0,'$eventName = $modx->event->name;\nswitch($eventName) {\n    case \'OnDocFormPrerender\':\n        $resource = $modx->controller->resource;\n        $disabled = false;\n        $disabledTemplates = array(6);\n        if (in_array($resource->get(\'template\'), $disabledTemplates)) {\n            $disabled = true;\n        }\n        if ($disabled) {\n            $resource->setProperty(\'_isContentBlocks\', false, \'contentblocks\');\n        }\n    break; \n}',0,'a:0:{}',0,'',0,''),(9,0,0,'Tagger','',0,24,0,'/**\n * Tagger\n *\n * DESCRIPTION\n *\n * This plugin inject JS to add Tab with tag groups into Resource panel\n */\n\n$corePath = $modx->getOption(\'tagger.core_path\', null, $modx->getOption(\'core_path\', null, MODX_CORE_PATH) . \'components/tagger/\');\n/** @var Tagger $tagger */\n$tagger = $modx->getService(\n    \'tagger\',\n    \'Tagger\',\n    $corePath . \'model/tagger/\',\n    array(\n        \'core_path\' => $corePath\n    )\n);\n\n$className = \'Tagger\' . $modx->event->name;\n$modx->loadClass(\'TaggerPlugin\', $tagger->getOption(\'modelPath\') . \'tagger/events/\', true, true);\n$modx->loadClass($className, $tagger->getOption(\'modelPath\') . \'tagger/events/\', true, true);\n\nif (class_exists($className)) {\n    /** @var TaggerPlugin $handler */\n    $handler = new $className($modx, $scriptProperties);\n    $handler->run();\n}\n\nreturn;',0,'a:0:{}',0,'',0,''),(10,0,0,'XRouting','XRouting is a simple plugin that handles requests for different contexts. It automatically switches the context based on a (sub)domain AND/OR subfolder.',0,0,0,'switch ($modx->event->name) {\n\n    // \"refresh cache\" part\n    case \'OnContextSave\':\n    case \'OnContextRemove\':\n    case \'OnSiteRefresh\':\n        \n        $contexts = array();\n        $cacheKey = \'xrouting_contextmap\';\n        $cacheOptions = array();\n        \n        // build context array\n        $query = $modx->newQuery(\'modContext\');\n        $query->where(array(\'modContext.key:NOT IN\' => array(\'mgr\')));\n        $query->sortby($modx->escape(\'modContext\') . \'.\' . $modx->escape(\'key\'), \'DESC\');\n        $contextsGraph = $modx->getCollectionGraph(\'modContext\', \'{\"ContextSettings\":{}}\', $query);\n        \n        foreach ($contextsGraph as $context) {\n            $contextSettings = array();\n            foreach ($context->ContextSettings as $cSetting) {\n                $contextSettings[$cSetting->get(\'key\')] = $cSetting->get(\'value\');\n            }\n            \n            if (!empty($contextSettings[\'http_host\']) && !empty($contextSettings[\'base_url\'])) {\n                \n                // add http_host to hosts list\n                $contexts[\'_hosts\'][$contextSettings[\'http_host\']][] = $context->get(\'key\');\n                \n                // add alias hosts to host list\n                if (!empty($contextSettings[\'http_host_aliases\'])) {\n                    foreach (explode(\',\',$contextSettings[\'http_host_aliases\']) as $alias) {\n                        $contexts[\'_hosts\'][$alias][] = $context->get(\'key\');\n                    }\n                }\n                \n                // add context settings\n                $contexts[$context->get(\'key\')] = $contextSettings;\n            }\n        }\n         \n        unset($contextsGraph);\n        $modx->cacheManager->set($cacheKey, $contexts, 0, $cacheOptions);\n    break;\n    \n    \n    // \"routing\" part\n    default:\n    case \'OnHandleRequest\':\n        if ($modx->context->get(\'key\') == \'mgr\') return;\n            \n        $contexts = array();\n        \n        $cacheKey = \'xrouting_contextmap\';\n        $cacheOptions = array();\n        $contexts = $modx->cacheManager->get($cacheKey, $cacheOptions);\n        \n        if (empty($contexts)) {\n        // build context array\n            $query = $modx->newQuery(\'modContext\');\n            $query->where(array(\'modContext.key:NOT IN\' => array(\'mgr\')));\n            $query->sortby($modx->escape(\'modContext\') . \'.\' . $modx->escape(\'key\'), \'DESC\');\n            $contextsGraph = $modx->getCollectionGraph(\'modContext\', \'{\"ContextSettings\":{}}\', $query);\n            \n            foreach ($contextsGraph as $context) {\n                $contextSettings = array();\n                foreach ($context->ContextSettings as $cSetting) {\n                    $contextSettings[$cSetting->get(\'key\')] = $cSetting->get(\'value\');\n                }\n                \n                if (!empty($contextSettings[\'http_host\']) && !empty($contextSettings[\'base_url\'])) {\n                    \n                    // add http_host to hosts list\n                    $contexts[\'_hosts\'][$contextSettings[\'http_host\']][] = $context->get(\'key\');\n                    \n                    // add alias hosts to host list\n                    if (!empty($contextSettings[\'http_host_aliases\'])) {\n                        foreach (explode(\',\',$contextSettings[\'http_host_aliases\']) as $alias) {\n                            $contexts[\'_hosts\'][$alias][] = $context->get(\'key\');\n                        }\n                    }\n                    \n                    // add context settings\n                    $contexts[$context->get(\'key\')] = $contextSettings;\n                }\n            }\n                         \n            unset($contextsGraph);\n            $modx->cacheManager->set($cacheKey, $contexts, 0, $cacheOptions);\n        }\n\n\n        if (!empty($contexts)) {\n            $http_host = $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'];\n            if ($modx->getOption(\'xrouting.include_www\', null, true)) {\n                $http_host = str_replace(\'www.\',\'\',$http_host);\n            }\n            \n            $modx_base_url = $modx->getOption(\'base_url\', null, MODX_BASE_URL);\n            $requestUrl = str_replace(\'//\',\'/\',$modx_base_url.$_REQUEST[$modx->getOption(\'request_param_alias\', null, \'q\')]);\n            $matches = array();\n            \n            \n        // find matching hosts\n            $matched_contexts = $contexts[\'_hosts\'][$http_host];\n            \n            \n            foreach ((array) $matched_contexts as $index => $ckey) {\n                \n                $context = $contexts[$ckey];\n                $strpos = strpos($requestUrl, $contexts[$ckey][\'base_url\']);\n                if ($strpos === 0) {\n                    $matches[strlen($contexts[$ckey][\'base_url\'])] = $ckey;\n                }\n            }\n\n        // modify request for the matched context\n            if (!empty($matches)) {\n                \n                $cSettings = $contexts[$matches[max(array_keys($matches))]];\n                $cKey = $matches[max(array_keys($matches))];\n                \n                // do we need to switch the context?\n                if ($modx->context->get(\'key\') != $cKey) {\n                    $modx->switchContext($cKey);\n                }\n                \n                // remove base_url from request query\n                if ($cSettings[\'base_url\'] != $modx_base_url) {\n                    $newRequestUrl = str_replace($cSettings[\'base_url\'],\'\',$requestUrl);\n                    $_REQUEST[$modx->getOption(\'request_param_alias\', null, \'q\')] = $newRequestUrl;\n                }\n                \n                \n            } else if ($_REQUEST[\'xrouting-debug\'] != \'1\' || !$modx->getOption(\'xrouting.allow_debug_info\', null, false)) {\n                // if no match found\n                if ($modx->getOption(\'xrouting.show_no_match_error\', null, true)) {\n                    $modx->sendErrorPage();\n                } else {\n                    $modx->switchContext($modx->getOption(\'xrouting.default_context\', null, \'web\'));\n                }\n                \n            }\n        \n        // output debug info\n            if ($_REQUEST[\'xrouting-debug\'] == \'1\' && $modx->getOption(\'xrouting.allow_debug_info\', null, false)) {\n                $debuginfo = \'<pre>\';\n                $debuginfo .= \"## MODX context map:\\n\\n\" . print_r($contexts,true) . \"\\n\\n\\n\";\n                $debuginfo .= \"## Requested URL: \" . $_REQUEST[$modx->getOption(\'request_param_alias\', null, \'q\')] . \"\\n\\n\\n\";\n                $debuginfo .= \"## Requested URL with base_url: \". $requestUrl .\"\\n\\n\\n\";\n                $debuginfo .= \"## Matched context(s) (Array key defines match quality):\\n\\n\" . print_r($matches,true) . \"\\n\\n\\n\";\n                $debuginfo .= \"## Request will go to context: \" . $matches[max(array_keys($matches))] . \"\\n\\n\\n\";\n                $debuginfo .= \"## Modified request URL: \" . $newRequestUrl . \"\\n\\n\\n\";\n                die($debuginfo);\n            }\n        }\n    break;\n}',0,NULL,0,'',0,''),(12,0,0,'ClientConfig','Sets system settings from the Client Config CMP.',0,0,0,'/**\n * ClientConfig\n *\n * Copyright 2011-2014 by Mark Hamstra <hello@markhamstra.com>\n *\n * ClientConfig is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the\n * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software\n * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later\n * version.\n *\n * ClientConfig is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY\n * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR\n * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with\n * ClientConfig; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple\n * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n *\n * @package clientconfig\n *\n * @var modX $modx\n * @var int $id\n * @var string $mode\n * @var modResource $resource\n * @var modTemplate $template\n * @var modTemplateVar $tv\n * @var modChunk $chunk\n * @var modSnippet $snippet\n * @var modPlugin $plugin\n*/\n\n$eventName = $modx->event->name;\n\nswitch($eventName) {\n    case \'OnMODXInit\':\n    case \'OnHandleRequest\':\n    case \'pdoToolsOnFenomInit\':\n        /* Grab the class */\n        $path = $modx->getOption(\'clientconfig.core_path\', null, $modx->getOption(\'core_path\') . \'components/clientconfig/\');\n        $path .= \'model/clientconfig/\';\n        $clientConfig = $modx->getService(\'clientconfig\',\'ClientConfig\', $path);\n\n        /* If we got the class (gotta be careful of failed migrations), grab settings and go! */\n        if ($clientConfig instanceof ClientConfig) {\n            $contextKey = $modx->context instanceof modContext ? $modx->context->get(\'key\') : \'web\';\n            $settings = $clientConfig->getSettings($contextKey);\n\n            /* Make settings available as [[++tags]] */\n            $modx->setPlaceholders($settings, \'+\');\n\n            /* Make settings available for $modx->getOption() */\n            foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {\n                $modx->setOption($key, $value);\n            }\n        }\n        break;\n}\n\nreturn;',0,NULL,0,'',0,'');

Any idea why?

tnx RDG

Jako commented 5 years ago

You have to detect in which plugin the code \x90fI\x02\x00\x00 is used.

The error could be caused by a wrong file charset that does not match the database charset.