jdamata / terraform-provider-sonarqube

Terraform provider for managing Sonarqube configuration
GNU General Public License v3.0
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sonarqube_qualitygate/qonarqube_qualitygate_condition essentially broken since SonarQube 9.9 #154

Closed tbutler-qontigo closed 1 year ago

tbutler-qontigo commented 1 year ago


SonarQube made a change in the 9.9 release (SONAR-17818) which automatically adds their "clean as you code" conditions to any quality gate that you create. This basically makes it impossible to set different values using the terraform provider.

This is what we have been doing:

resource "sonarqube_qualitygate" "default" {
  name       = "My way"
  is_default = true

resource "sonarqube_qualitygate_condition" "new_coverage" {
  gatename  = sonarqube_qualitygate.default.name
  metric    = "new_coverage"
  op        = "LT"
  threshold = "50"

Which will no longer work because the new_coverage metric is already added when the gate is created but terraform state doesn't know about it - so you get this:

 Error: API returned an error: Condition on metric 'Coverage on New Code' already exists.

   with sonarqube_qualitygate_condition.new_coverage,
   on quality_gates.tf line 29, in resource "sonarqube_qualitygate_condition" "new_coverage":
   29: resource "sonarqube_qualitygate_condition" "new_coverage" {

I am not a GO developer but I played around with the provider and it seems like resource_sonarqube_qualitygate.go does not populate the conditions array when a gate is created. It looks like it should but this seems to be a bug: https://github.com/jdamata/terraform-provider-sonarqube/blob/e230cdf842cf6a0beaf46419903d8d0ed8e8ef52/sonarqube/resource_sonarqube_qualitygate.go#L182 at this point I guess the pointer to resp.Body is at the end of the body so conditions always remains empty.

Anyway I messed around a bit and fixed that to populate from qualityGateReadResponse.Conditions and now tf state will contain e.g.

resource "sonarqube_qualitygate" "default" {
    conditions = [
            error  = "80"
            id     = "AYe40uWkpq_IgwDfAktH"
            metric = "new_coverage"
            op     = "LT"
    id         = "My way"
    is_default = true
    name       = "My way"

when the gate is created. This still doesn't help with updating the conditions however since any new ones you create are in a completely different resource - e.g.:

resource "sonarqube_qualitygate_condition" "security_rating" {
    gatename  = "My way"
    id        = "AYe48en3pq_IgwDfAktJ"
    metric    = "security_rating"
    op        = "GT"
    threshold = "1"

It feels like the sonarqube_qualitygate resource needs to handle the conditions in all cases and sonarqube_qualitygate_condition should be removed as it would be unnecessay at this point. It is essentially useless for updating any of the conditions that SonarQube adds automatically now anyway.

And migrating to a new version of sonarqube_qualitygate could be a bit painful/a breaking change.

It feels like the sort of change that would require some discussion @jdamata rather than someone simply pushing a PR and hoping it is accepted :)

And of course there may be other solutions available....such as potentially sonarqube_qualitygate_condition updating the child resource within the sonarqube_qualitygate - though that may be a bit hacky even if it is possible?

tbutler-qontigo commented 1 year ago

Thinking on this a bit more, the SonarQube API isn't great, possibly because they seem to prefer query params rather than bodies in the POST requests to create objects. api/qualitygates/create is used to create a quality gate and accepts only the name parameter. api/qualitygates/create_condition is the end point you need to create a single condition

The current implementation of the provider reflects this with sonarqube_qualitygate and sonarqube_qualitygate_condition respectively.

In reality, conditions are a child resources of a quality gate and, IMO, the API should reflect that, which unfortunately it does not. A condition cannot exist without being attached to a quality gate so why is it a "top level" resource?

Whilst we cannot change the SonarQube API, we can however refactor the provider to reflect the relationship by changing sonarqube_qualitygate to accept conditions and removing sonarqube_qualitygate_condition completely - it serves no useful purpose now. A resource creation block would now look like this

resource "sonarqube_qualitygate" "default" {
    name = "My way"

    condition {
            error  = "1"
            id     = "AYe-J8gMpq_IgwDfAnKA"
            metric = "new_security_rating"
            op     = "GT"

    condition {
            error  = "80"
            id     = "AYe40uWkpq_IgwDfAktH"
            metric = "new_coverage"
            op     = "LT"        


thus more accurately modelling the relationship between quality gates and conditions.

This in itself does not solve the problem Sonar have created by automatically adding conditions when a new quality gate is created so we have a few options here:

  1. Reinstate 9.8 and below behaviour effectively by deleting all of the conditions that were auto created at the point in time the sonarqube_qualitygate resource is created. Doing this, we would not actually need to refactor as described above and could continue with the existing two resource types, with sonarqube_qualtiygate_condition continuing to be used to add conditions.

Assuming we proceed with the refactor though:

  1. If the conditions property is optional then we can either a) leave all the auto-created conditions "as is" - they will be recorded in state (or at least they will if https://github.com/jdamata/terraform-provider-sonarqube/pull/157 is merged) though it is a bit weird that they are invisible in the .tf file itself or b) remove them if none are specified. That's a bit weird too though because why would you want a quality gate with no conditions? (remember the existing conditions resource would be removed)
  2. If the conditions property is mandatory then we replace the auto-created conditions with whatever ones are supplied in the .tf block. This is a bit like option 1 in the sense that the conditions are specified by the terraform script and not from the magic creation that SonarQube does at the moment.

I'm not sure there is a perfect answer to this but I am inclined towards 3 because:

jdamata commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the great write up.

Needing logic to delete/replace a set of auto populated conditions after creating a qualitygate is a little gross. We would need to maintain a list of these populated conditions and make separate calls for each condition.

That being said, I don't think I have a better solution :)

I am leaning towards either option 1 or 3.

Option 1 has the benefit of being backwards compatible and not introducing a breaking change. Users would not need to refactor their terraform when upgrading.

I do agree that Option 3 models the relationship between gate and condition much better.

Is this something you are interested in working on? Ultimately I think option 3 would be the way to go but is significantly more work than option 1. I would be happy to review/accept PRs for either of these options.

tbutler-qontigo commented 1 year ago

Hi @jdamata

Agreed it is nasty - sadly Sonar are taking a very hard line on this - it is "Clean as you code" or nothing and they consider my use case (terraform + sonar) to be unique to me so unwilling to engage in exploring other options :/

I am actually pretty close to a PR for this using option 3 - though it will have to wait until Tuesday now because it is EOD here and a public holiday on Monday :} Essentially I have to create the quality gate, query the API to get back the conditions that were auto-created and then add/remove/update any that differ from those the user supplied in the .tf file.

As I have been working on it, I have had option 1 in the back of my mind - it would be relatively easy to pull this apart again and make it backwards compatible All I would need to do is delete the auto-created conditions and everything would "just work" as before.


I am really not a fan of the Sonar API - I find it pretty hard to read and navigate and reason about so if we can abstract some of that away then all the better.

Doing option 3 also means I've had to implement Update for when people want to update conditions on the quality gate. More complex for sure...but essentially done now.

I will submit a PR for Option 3 on Tuesday and if you really don't like it then I'll have a little cry and then submit an Option 1 version.


freeranger commented 1 year ago

@jdamata - a little later than advertised, I have created a PR for this issue. There are other issues that affect v10 compatibility - a customKey property that has been removed - I will look at them separately.

freeranger commented 1 year ago

Guide for upgraders

The simplest way to upgrade Quality Gates from v0.15.x to 0.16+ is to:

  1. Delete all your quality_gate_condition resources from your .tf files
  2. terraform apply to have them removed from state and from Sonar
  3. Upgrade the provider versions
  4. Add condition blocks to each of your quality_gate resources
  5. terraform apply to have the conditions added back to Sonar and into terraform state in the right place