jdan / cleaver

30-second slideshows for hackers
MIT License
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Not loading theme from repo #84

Closed novohispano closed 10 years ago

novohispano commented 10 years ago

I had been using Cleaver for a month or so, and when I wanted to load a theme from a repo, I could do it. Today, when I was trying to regenerate some slides, they switched back to the default theme.

This is my theme,


This is my metadata,

title: Why Heroku
output: why_heroku.html
controls: true
theme: JumpstartLab/cleaver-theme

This is the output,

<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">
  <title>Why Heroku</title>
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    body {
  font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  color: #222;
  background-color: #f7f7f7;
  font-size: 100%;

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  position: absolute;
  top: 0; bottom: 0;
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  width: 800px;
  height: 600px;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 80px auto 0 auto;
  padding: 30px;

  font-weight: 200;
  font-size: 200%;
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.controls {
  position: absolute;
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github.com style (c) Vasily Polovnyov <vast@whiteants.net>

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pre .diff .header,
pre .javadoc {
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pre .css .rule .keyword,
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pre .javascript .title,
pre .nginx .title,
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pre .tex .formula {
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pre .title,
pre .id {
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pre .javascript .title,
pre .lisp .title,
pre .clojure .title,
pre .subst {
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pre .haskell .type,
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pre .tex .command {
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pre .regexp {
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pre .chunk {
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    <div class="progress">
    <div class="progress-bar"></div>

  <div class="slide" id="slide-1">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="why-heroku">Why Heroku</h1>
<p>Heroku claims to be &quot;cloud computing designed and built for developers.&quot; But why do you care?</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-2">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="focused-on-ease-of-development">Focused on Ease of Development</h2>
<p>From the beginning Heroku has focused on being easy for developers.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-3">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="just-use-a-vps-">Just Use a VPS?</h3>
<p>Many developers can stumble through setting up a VPS, following a myriad of tutorials and blog posts to setup a functioning web server with:</p>
<li>NGINX or Apache front-end web server</li>
<li>Their application</li>
<li>Application Virtual Machine (JVM, Ruby VM, etc)</li>
<li>Application dependencies</li>
<li>PostgreSQL with user accounts and permissions</li>
<li>Memcached or other secondary data stores</li>
<li>Load balancing</li>
<li>Init.d scripts to handle graceful restart</li>
<li>A deployment system to receive code and restart the application</li>
<p>It&#39;ll likely take days to get that configured correctly.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-4">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="fully-managed-platform">Fully Managed Platform</h3>
<p>And now you have a management issue. Each of those components:</p>
<li>Has potential security vulnerabilities to keep on top of</li>
<li>Releases new versions and should be upgraded</li>
<li>Can crash/restart and need attention</li>
<p>If you&#39;d prefer to spend your time building your application rather than administrating a server, Heroku is for you.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-5">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="quick-to-provision-quick-to-deploy">Quick to Provision, Quick to Deploy</h3>
<p>You can provision a new application on Heroku in seconds. Deploying your code and restarting your processes typically takes just a few minutes.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-6">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="industry-standards">Industry Standards</h3>
<p>And best of all, using Heroku doesn&#39;t mean compromising on your development tools or workflow. Typical Heroku apps rely industry-standard tools:</p>
<li>Git for source control</li>
<li>Applications written in a modern, open-source language</li>
<li>A SQL database</li>
<li>UNIX under the hood</li>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-7">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="rich-configurability-with-add-ons">Rich Configurability with Add-Ons</h3>
<p>Just because the platform takes care of the administration doesn’t mean you’re locked into a single pattern or set of defaults. In fact, apps that you run on Heroku can just as easily run locally or somewhere else - you need almost no Heroku-specific changes to apps. You can customize your application to:</p>
<li>use other databases like MongoDB or Hadoop</li>
<li>integrate with services to send Email, SMS and push notifications to users</li>
<li>shuttle runtime data to a variety of analytics and logging platforms</li>
<li>work with third-party billing systems to handle one-time and subscription payments</li>
<p>There are over a hundred add-ons available on the platform with new ones constantly being added. Check out the full list at <a href="https://addons.heroku.com/">https://addons.heroku.com/</a>.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-8">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="use-cases">Use Cases</h2>
<p>Heroku can be put to use in many scenarios.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-9">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="web-applications-of-any-scale">Web Applications of Any Scale</h3>
<p>Thanks to the <strong>dyno</strong> approach, applications running on Heroku scale with ease.</p>
<p>Need to serve just a few requests an hour? Spin up a pair of dynos and you&#39;re good to go.</p>
<p>Need to serve a hundred requests per second? Scale up to fifty dynos and watch the traffic fly.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-10">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="rapid-development-deployment">Rapid Development &amp; Deployment</h3>
<p>Heroku excels in situations where applications need to deploy quickly and often. Teams might individually deploy their latest changes or rely on a Continuous Integration server to deploy continuously. After issuing just a single command, applications typically deploy and are live in seconds. Backed by git, it&#39;s easy to avoid conflicts or rollback changes when something goes wrong.</p>
<p>Long story short, Heroku takes the pain out of running your web applications.</p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-11">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="getting-started">Getting Started</h3>
<p>Assuming you have an existing Salesforce dataset, your first Heroku applications might include:</p>
<li>A one-page application to register people in a sweepstakes, funneling their information into Salesforce</li>
<li>An analytics platform that pulls data out of Salesforce to generate visualizations using Node.js and D3</li>
<li>A content-management system that authenticates users via your Salesforce login/password</li>
<li>A web application that implements Salesforce&#39;s Canvas API, adding functionality into Salesforce itself</li>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-12">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="goals-for-today">Goals for Today</h2>
<p>Our plan for today is to explore the platform and experiment with deployment. By the end of the day you will:</p>
<li>understand how the platform works and what it can do for you</li>
<li>provision and deploy a live Java-based application</li>
<li>scale the production environment to handle more traffic</li>
<li>install and configure an add-on to support your application</li>
<li>see how Heroku Connect opens huge potential for your Salesforce data</li>

  <div class="controls">
    <div class="arrow prev"></div>
    <div class="arrow next"></div>

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jdan commented 10 years ago

Hm, interesting.

I noticed loadSingle was returning lots of 301s, and it turns out github no longer uses raw.github, but instead uses the domain raw.githubusercontent.com.

I went ahead and updated helper.js to use this new URL, and pushed out a new version (0.6.3). You can update your local copy with:

npm update -g cleaver

Thanks for reporting! I really need to work on a --debug option.

novohispano commented 10 years ago

Thanks! You rock :)

jdan commented 10 years ago

I went ahead and spiced up debugging for cleaver - it's been in a sad (nonexistant) state for far too long. Thanks for the little kick.

This is what you'll see in v 0.6.4 (you can update now, it's live)

screen shot 2014-04-26 at 12 34 44 am

novohispano commented 10 years ago

Thanks, man! That is pretty cool. :)