jdaymude / xbox2local

A command line utility for downloading Xbox screenshots and game clips to local storage
MIT License
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Extend support to non-curl/wget-friendly command lines #4

Closed jdaymude closed 4 years ago

jdaymude commented 4 years ago

Description xbox2local makes all its X API calls using curl and downloads all media using wget. So despite being a Python script that runs anywhere Python is installed, these commands will of course fail on any command lines where curl and wget are not present or have different syntax. Support and testing need to be extended for command lines where other utilities are used for URL access.

Can you help develop and maintain this feature? Yes.

jdaymude commented 4 years ago

Some initial research on which command lines support what tools:

Command Line curl wget
Windows Command Prompt
Windows Powershell
macOS Terminal

⚠Powershell: curl and wget are both supported, but it seems like their syntax is different.

⚠macOS: wget is not available natively, but can be installed using Homebrew.